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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2016

Sensuality in evangelical churches

* Luis Alberto Alves
There is something more uncomfortable than Christian women, young or adult, abusing the sensuality within the evangelical churches. There are unaware sisters of common sense, wearing skirts leaving the show good legs and sometimes even underwear.

Jesus Christ said that our body is the time of the Holy Spirit. You deserve good care. But the wave of the new gospel, attuned to the times, put aside this alert. Result is the Lord's house looking like brothel.

When the pastor calls asking moderation is branded a face and very traditional. In view of these people not indecent dress will prevent them from entering heaven. The question is what they imagine heaven, for where the Lord dwells, there is no place for little shame.

A sensuality abusing woman can turn prostitution instrument. When walking the streets turns attracting sex maniacs or perverts. In addition, of course to denigrate the gospel of Jesus Christ. As a prostitute you will see change in a church, when you encounter someone wearing the same skirt that she wore in the whorehouse?
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

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