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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

quinta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2024

Pray intensely

Luís Alberto Alves

The Peace of the Lord to all. Today is a day when every Christian needs to redouble their prayers. It is like a boxing match, when the boxer keeps his guard up to avoid being knocked out.

"But why? If I pray every day", some people will answer. On these two days (30 and 31) in the southern hemisphere, Satanists gather to offer sacrifices to the devil in search of more power. Unfortunately, these sacrifices will include children up to 7 years old who will be offered to the darkness.

On February 2nd, this ritual will be repeated in the northern hemisphere. Therefore, set aside some time today and pray, rebuking all the spiritual garbage that Satanists will dump on the heavenly regions.


Pray especially for your family. Satanists are everywhere. They do not wear black clothes, do not wear upside-down crucifixes and do not have an evil appearance.

Some even have angelic features to sow deception. Jesus Christ said that the devil disguises himself as an angel of light. Perhaps you will answer me with the standard phrase of every Christian: "the blood of Jesus Christ has power".

I agree, but why did Jesus Christ order us to pray without ceasing? The kingdom of darkness works with misinformation to lead Christians away from the paths of the Lord. They say that Satanism does not exist, that it is just talk from fanatical Christians, etc.


The Chinese thinker Sun Tzu, author of the book "The Art of War", says that when you know your enemy, the chances of defeating him are great.

You already know that the devil exists and his fight is to keep you away from Jesus. You can only avoid this when you know and practice the Word of God. There is no point in having a firearm if you do not know how to use it. Therefore, today, on this day of great spiritual warfare, present your projects, your family, your life to the Lord and pray verse 1 of Psalm 67.

It is only God's mercy that can destroy all the devil's projects against the servants of Jesus Christ. Also present the leaders of all the churches that honor the Word of God. They are the favorite targets of Satanists.

If you think this text is nonsense and a waste of time, I respect your opinion. But I warn you: the devil exists and has never played at being the devil. Some Christians play at being Christians until they are faced with a trial.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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