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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

terça-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2024

Do we not treat God like a butler?


Luís Alberto Alves

21st century, a time of anxiety, a time in which most people live in a hurry, a time of excessive demands, a time where many do not reserve time for God, a time where thoughts are only focused on putting more money into the current account, a time where even the family is left aside, time for egolatry, time for everything except Jesus Christ.

We often wake up in the morning, already worried about our daily tasks. Everything on autopilot: take a quick shower, brush your teeth, comb your hair or, in the case of women, do a quick brush, change your clothes, have a cup of coffee, eat a slice of bread or cake, catch the car, the bus or Subway to work or school or college.

We focus our mind only on the material. The second semester hasn't even arrived, but we've already planned what we're going to do in August, September, October and even at the end of the year. The rule is not to waste time. Social media fans give the famous likes to posts that even they don't know the origin of. The important thing is to show your virtual friends that your presence will be registered in the banality ranking. In other words, he is in tune with the nonsense of that day.


But God knows us in the deep, in the secret, in the hidden where we don't even know. The bad day comes, and it comes for everyone, whether evangelical or not. The arrival of this terrible day is filled with pain, anguish, sadness, melancholy, discouragement, the desire to throw everything up and run through the streets, screaming like crazy people do. On a bad day, colleagues and friends disappear. Our messages are not read on WhatsApp, no one answers our calls, loneliness knocks on our door and manages to enter and make an address.

That's when the ground opens up beneath our feet. The appetite disappears, the throat becomes dry, insomnia becomes a daily companion when we lie down thinking about sleeping. We were unable to take the focus off the problem. It seems like the light at the end of the tunnel has gone out. But why does Jesus Christ allow us to go through this bitter experience, if he is love? Why does someone feel the intensity of pain in their soul, which greatly hurts their heart, to the point that we wish for the end of our lives?

My brother and sister, the Lord turns on the green light for the bad day to come to us, because due to lack of spiritual experience we begin to treat God like a steward. We only remember Him in times of difficulty. Of the 24 hours a day, in the good times, we do not reserve even ½ hour of worship and prayer to Jesus Christ. The strategy is to focus only on perishables. It's about showing yourself beautiful on social media. It is revealing to others that we are someone important. We're over jerky.


Humility, during the good times, is relegated to the background. It's a funny word. The interesting thing is to humiliate others. Even our family members. After all, when you are well, even praising God is uncomfortable. Listening to good preaching is something bad, despicable. Talking about Jesus Christ to the lost is something out of the question. Time is reserved for trash, wrapped in pretty packaging by Satan. The thing is to enjoy life. Going to trendy bars, drinking alcohol and drugs, prostituting herself with countless people. In short, please the world.

However, when we make God our steward, life begins to spin, like a car stuck in the mud. Nothing goes right. The presence of the Devil is constant on our path. The work doesn't pay off. The car becomes a mechanic's customer. Money disappears from the current account like water on a hot plate, illness starts to overcome health, family life becomes tragic, persecution at work increases, grades at school start to get low, even though we study hard. In the end, nothing shows a positive result. Even if you sleep all night, you wake up tired or tired. We feel like we've been beaten, because of pain all over our bodies.

The butler only serves the master. That's his job. Never questions. He just obeys, even the most absurd requests. Most of the time we make God our steward. We never thank you. We just charge. We demand the realization of dreams, which for Jesus Christ will be a tragedy later on. The boss has no time for the butler. In our ignorance we think we are in charge of God. He, at the height of his infinite wisdom, only allows a weak wind of darkness to blow over us, to show that He is the Lord, and we are just servants.


I don't know what your life is like. Not much less if you felt nervous or nervous when reading this message. But I'm sure of one thing: Jesus Christ is not his butler! He is master of your life. Stop treating him like someone worthless, unimportant. Brother or sister, with God you are everything, without Him you are nothing. Even though you have been converted for many years, you do not have the spiritual structure to face, alone, the smallest demon in hell. It is the Grace of the Lord that does not allow you to be destroyed by the Devil, who hates you and always desires your harm.

Set aside quality time for God. When you wake up, talk to Jesus Christ. Have affection for the great Master. Let go of anxiety. Your haste will not accelerate God's movement towards you. Your time will never impact the Lord's time. Stop charging God. Don't make the mistake of saying that He has forgotten you. Look more at Jesus Christ than at garbage offered by the Devil in false colored packaging. Focus your life on the Lord. You are just a passenger in this world. One day, your password will be called.

Don't worry. What Jesus Christ promised you, everything will be fulfilled for the Glory and Honor of the Lord. Look more at God. Don't fall into the trap of satisfying the world. You need to give your best to God. Be a light where you place your feet. Don't just go to worship, be a practitioner of the Word of the Lord. Don't allow the Devil to make your communion with God just a fad. Remember that the Word of God is fulfilled. When you treat God as the lord of your life, in everything, the troubled seas of your life will become calm. The storm will turn into a breeze, and you will sleep the sleep of the righteous. It's your decision.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

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