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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

segunda-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2023

Are you sure you're free?

Luis Alberto Alves

Spiritual deliverance is a very serious thing. It cannot be treated as something unimportant in the Gospel. God's Word says that "If Christ sets us free, we shall be free indeed." The problem is that many brothers and sisters have not yet known this liberation.

The same patient with a serious illness, who only received an injection of dipyrone in a vein and returned home, without discovering the illness that had afflicted him. The most curious thing about this sad story is that some pastors resist talking about this subject. For them, just deliver a sermon and everything, in their view, is solved.

Unfortunately, this is not how such a serious problem should be treated, responsible for the removal of people from the Gospel and even the incidence of suicide, due to strong oppression. There are few evangelical churches that hold liberation services. From touching the wound, removing the pus and cleaning the wound.


The big problem is that when we know Jesus Christ we try to get away from the devil and his traps. However, Satan and his demons are on our trail. They don't give up. They continue offering their lentil dishes so that the newly converted or converted for many years give up the Gospel and return to the world of darkness.

But how can a person know that he is still a hostage of the devil? For the Glory of God, satan leaves a trace on everything he does to us. He cannot hide. It is up to the Christian to identify these signs and seek help. This is when the process of total deliverance really begins, when done by true servants of Jesus.

Dark spirits bother. They can't get close to someone without causing discomfort. Just as angels sent by God provide us with peace, demons do the opposite, taking away our peace. It is not possible to be well anywhere, no matter how peaceful it may be.


Pay attention to the signs that you are still not freed from darkness: 1) Seeing figures at your side, inside your house, your car, your office. 2) When walking down the street, you have the impression that someone is following you. When he is in the backyard or hallway of the building where he lives, he realizes that he is being watched. 3) Hears voices. Usually asking to do something bad, like killing someone, committing suicide, committing adultery, using drugs, trying to solve problems using violence. 4) The praises and preaching of the Word of God bother you. You can't get comfortable around people who talk about Jesus.

5) In the case of men, when walking through the streets or inside the company, they cannot look at women without the desire to have a sexual relationship with them. Even within the church, he nurtures adultery desires with the servants who are working in that ministry. 6) When you access the internet, you end up wasting time on pornography websites and blogs. Get addicted to this filthy practice. Even on the road, he uses his cell phone to look at this type of content.


7) Another sign is to use the practices of the world to succeed, such as corrupting yourself, stealing, lying, betraying your wife or husband. 8) Whether men or women, they masturbate for pleasure. This can happen to someone who is married or married, as they cannot find satisfaction in making love with their husband or wife.

8) Nervousness is another sign that there is no deliverance. For whatever reason, the evangelical or evangelical loses patience. Hits the children frequently. He treats them with violence. Aggresses with words and physically those around you. Depending on the situation, it even clashes. 9) Some Christians justify themselves by saying they are evangelicals, but not fools. 10) If you are a church leader, you treat workers like slaves. Charge commitments from them, which are impossible to fulfill. He does this in plain sight, during the services.

11) Is envious of the success of the wicked. When he prays to God, he begins to criticize the Lord for blessing someone he doesn't know, and he, who supposedly serves Jesus Christ, never has access to any blessing. 12) During the preaching of the Word, he cannot disconnect from the world. He remains plugged into the internet, sometimes interested in the result of his team's soccer game or some entertainment program.


12) Does not find time to study the Word of Jesus. When he gets home from work, he goes straight to shower, have dinner and plug into social media. 13) When sleeping, you forget to give thanks for the day of life given by God. In fact, he prays very little. 14) When you meet the wicked, you never make a difference. On the contrary, he behaves just like them.

15) In the case of women, he throws more and more fuel on the bonfire of sensuality. Abuses clothes of great sexual appeal, as prostitutes do. She wears very short skirts, low-cut T-shirts, leaving part of her breasts on display, wears dresses that are very close to her body, sometimes preventing her from sitting down easily. 16) Whether wife, fiancée or girlfriend nurtures sexual desire for other people. 17) It starts to consider all kinds of perversion normal, even the most terrible ones, like having sex with animals (zoophilia).

18) Everything that is sin before God is what attracts the undelivered evangelical. He begins to use the argument that Jesus is a dictator, that there is nothing wrong with consulting a fortune teller, reading a horoscope, participating in white table seances, making a pact with demons.


19) Can't sleep well. Has constant nightmares. He feels that someone is suffocating him. The nightmares are so terrible that sometimes the person wakes up with a sweaty face. Even in intense heat, those suffering from spiritual oppression feel very cold. Because of this, wear cold clothes in the heat.

20) Is careless with personal cleanliness. Goes to the bathroom and doesn't do the right hygiene. In the case of women, some in the menstrual cycle, daily hygiene is forgotten during this period. The person himself does not realize that he is filthy. For her, everything is considered normal.

21) Depression is another visible sign of spiritual attack. For whatever reason, the person becomes sad. It cannot separate the normal criticism that we all suffer, as something natural. A look or comment is enough to take the peace and let the sadness prevail. It is common at this stage for the person to want to use drugs or drink or become a prostitute.

22) Lack of liberation makes one become nostalgic. It's common for people to miss you a lot. She forgets about the present and focuses too much on the past. He even values everything he accomplished during that period. Remember the love relationships of that time. Satan takes advantage of this gap and puts thoughts of adultery in that person's mind.


23) All the projects that this person tries to put into practice fail. From the simplest, like selling sweets and food on the streets, to the sophisticated of creating brilliant business strategies in the business environment. Can't keep a good job. Most of the time, he resigns, deluded by something that satan offered him, such as opening his own business with the money from workers' compensation.

24) The sentimental life is a failure. If single, the devil does not allow that person to have a great love relationship. He only gets involved with bad people. It is very common, in this type of situation, for women to get involved with criminals or drug addicts. At this stage, if they are teenagers or young people, they do not accept any type of advice. The person is literally blinded. They lose track of what they are doing.

25) If married or married, marriage loses pleasure. One does not feel happiness with one's husband or wife. The devil starts sending demons to that person to consider that he should return to the arms of his ex-boyfriend (a), ex-fiancé (a) to try to find happiness again. Comparisons arise between the current husband or wife with the ex.


26) Another spiritual attack is on the couple's sex life. The devil causes husband and wife to lose interest in making love. And when they try to relate sexually, there is no pleasure. It is something mechanical, without any involvement. It is common, in this type of spiritual attack, for the woman to feel disgust for her husband and vice versa.

27) In the case of the evangelical man, not yet freed, sometimes he smells menstrual blood without being next to any woman. That is, he is the target of a spell to affect his sex life. With that, the devil tries to make that person feel disgusted with women and even his wife, if he is married.

28) The evangelical woman, not yet freed, is also attacked by the devil and his demons. If she is a girlfriend, engaged or married, the darkness puts it in her head that that person does not deserve to be by her side. She feels disgust for her partner. Everything he does is up for debate. Even his voice, his style of speaking, serves as a trigger for discussion.


29) Lack of liberation stirs up gluttony. The person eats non-stop. Can't quench. It's not hunger. She stuffs herself with food trying to fill a void in her soul. Then she doesn't even know why she's eating so much. The devil messes with self esteem too. In the case of women, they become hostages of the mirror. They think they are overweight. At this stage, the devil plunges them into a crazy diet, when they stop eating everything.

30) Lack of release reflects on financial life. The person cannot tithe, nor offer in the church where he congregates. When he gets paid, he disappears like hot water. It makes unnecessary debt. The devil holds the unreleased evangelical in default. At this stage, the demons put it in this person's head that before he belonged to Jesus, his life was better.

31) The lack of deep liberation makes people go into abysses. Some become hostages to loan sharks. In desperation to get money, they enter the world of crime and sink deeper into this process. Women often resort to prostitution to get money more easily. When it reaches this stage, the person has already moved away from the Gospel.


These signs that I listed above do not have a chronological order to happen in the life of someone not yet freed. It may happen that some happen, and others don't give any sign. Even so, it's a reason to look for the pastor of your church and explain the situation. It is also necessary to analyze in which type of denomination the person congregates.

The Word of God is very clear, as written in 1 John, chapter 3, verse 8. “He who practices sin is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. For this the Son of God was manifested: to destroy the works of the devil. Those who are not spiritually liberated urgently need Jesus. The problem is that there are many false pastors who don't like to be used in spiritual deliverance.

The business of this minority is a spotlight. It's appearing in the media. Being idolized and even winning political office. Unfortunately, within many evangelical churches there are several members in need of deliverance. People held hostage by the devil for years or decades. Who never really knew the delicious taste of happiness. My solution? Look for a serious church, which doesn't put its hands on the head of demons, but casts them out to hell. Then you will be free.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

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