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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

quarta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2021

Escape from everything that looks evil 7


Luis Alberto Alves As a minister of the Gospel, by the mercy of the Lord, for 17 years, I have already witnessed the tragic end of people who decided to play with God. They fell into the lie that satan is good. That it is possible to sin and then ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness and everything goes back to normal, as if nothing had happened. The Lord forgives, but the consequences of sin remain. Jesus Christ has the power to forgive the murderer, but he will have to serve the prison sentence for taking someone else's life. It is the harvest of the fruit that he sowed. The young woman who decided to have sex with the boyfriend she met at the party and later became pregnant, will have to raise the child later. So, my brothers and sisters, meditate on these words that the Lord bothered me to write. I admit that this is a harsh text, but a friend is not the only one who praises, but seeks to alert about failures that can no longer be committed. If you want to go live in Heaven, and stay there for eternity, flee from everything that looks like evil. Remember: the devil does not play at being the devil, but there are Christians playing at being a Christian. Unfortunately! Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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