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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

sexta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2021

Resist, persist and insist 7

Luis Alberto Alves Satan knows that if anyone prays without ceasing and seeks the power of the Lord every day, he will soon experience the miracles of God. The dark strategy is to pour dirty water into your dreams. Often using family and relatives or even servants of God, weakened in faith. It's easy to spot someone in this situation: she doesn't pray anymore, she doesn't attend services very often, and she rarely reads the Bible. In case you are included in this group, meditate on what is written in Luke 18/3 “There was also in that same city a certain widow and she went to him, saying: Give me justice against my adversary”. We need to pray always. Being in the presence of the Lord constantly. Prevent spiritual laziness from reaching us. We can never be dependent on the prayers of others. There are spiritual tasks for you to do. Nobody quenches one's thirst by drinking water for him. It's setting aside a few hours of the day or night to bask in the presence of Jesus Christ. This is the secret to Resist, Persist and Insist and earn your blessings. Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

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