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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

sexta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2021

Resist, persist and insist 7

Luis Alberto Alves Satan knows that if anyone prays without ceasing and seeks the power of the Lord every day, he will soon experience the miracles of God. The dark strategy is to pour dirty water into your dreams. Often using family and relatives or even servants of God, weakened in faith. It's easy to spot someone in this situation: she doesn't pray anymore, she doesn't attend services very often, and she rarely reads the Bible. In case you are included in this group, meditate on what is written in Luke 18/3 “There was also in that same city a certain widow and she went to him, saying: Give me justice against my adversary”. We need to pray always. Being in the presence of the Lord constantly. Prevent spiritual laziness from reaching us. We can never be dependent on the prayers of others. There are spiritual tasks for you to do. Nobody quenches one's thirst by drinking water for him. It's setting aside a few hours of the day or night to bask in the presence of Jesus Christ. This is the secret to Resist, Persist and Insist and earn your blessings. Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Resist, persist and insist 6

Luis Alberto Alves But the Lord also requires us to be of good cheer. It is not enough just to struggle, it is necessary that we do the tasks with joy, without sadness in our souls and tears in our eyes. There are people who open their mouths to say that their work is a place of torment. They forget that it is from there that the livelihood of their home comes from. This process will last as long as we are in this world. The phrase “this people will inherit the land that I swore to their parents I would give them,” spiritually means that you and your family, if you stand firm in the Lord, will enter eternity to live together forever beside Jesus Christ. Something tremendously beautiful. Unparalleled by anything that happens here on Earth. You've resisted and persisted, but for the work to be complete it is necessary that the evangelical insist on prayer and fasting so that all the blessings of the Lord come to you and your family. Be prepared brother/sister, because the devil will try to cool you down, sowing discouragement, making you sleepy in faith. Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Resist, persist and insist 5

Luis Alberto Alves But resisting is not enough, it is necessary to persist in the search for the realization of the Lord's blessings in our lives. There are evangelicals who imagine that Jesus Christ is a steward. Just sit back and everything will come true, just like magic. Some don't even pray or fast or even read the Bible. Due to laziness and lack of knowledge, they do not know what is written in Joshua 1/6 “Be strong, and be of good courage. For you will make this people inherit the land that I swore to their fathers I would give them”. The Lord makes it very clear to us, servants of Jesus Christ, to strive. In other words, you need to sweat, struggle, get out of your comfort zone. A student who studies a lot usually gets good grades and passes the grade. The lazy will repeat and hardly get their hands on the diploma. Dedicated employee will soon be seen by management and will be promoted and raised in salary. A family that prays will have a home shielded by God. You will have the wisdom to win the fights. Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Resist, persist and insist 4


Luis Alberto Alves The secret of getting away from this devil's project is “submitting to God, resisting the devil, he will flee from this evangelical's life”, as written in James 4/7. One must meditate day and night on the Word of the Lord. Live in the Spirit of Prayer. Leave no room for the devil. Get away from anything that looks bad. Never let the phrase “nothing to see” become common in your life. Communion with God needs to be constant. Not just inside the church. When this someone has intimacy with Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will warn of every trap that the devil has prepared along the way. It will free you from the clutches of adultery, theft, vice, idolatry, lying, prostitution, perversion and all the rubbish that the devil sells with beautiful packaging, but inside the content is rotten. It's a kind of radar aimed at Satan's projects. The servant and servant of God will be able to discover what darkness is plotting against their lives. Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Resist, persist and insist 3

Luis Alberto Alves The same applies to a corrupt official, businessperson or politician. The large amount of dirty money coming into the checking account will have a big impact. Mammon, the god of riches and emissary of satan, will honestly say that a standard of living, equal to the one the corrupt enjoys now, would honestly never be achieved. In search of more wealth, this person will each day sink into corruption. But there is nothing hidden that is not revealed, as written in Mark 4/22. Soon this crime will be discovered and the shame will become public. In most cases, with the accused's dirty clothes washed in public, through the press. The devil's proposal is to sell the idea that people need to be happy here in this world. It is not necessary to get to Heaven. He presents the earth as a better place than Paradise. For lack of wisdom and great communion with God, countless Christians weak in faith fall into this small talk and lose their passport to Glory. Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Resist, persist and insist 2

Luis Alberto Alves Don't fall for the nonsense of considering that satanic offerings are ugly. Outside it's beautiful, but inside there's only garbage. It's the same drug, which provides some moments of joy and peace, then comes the torment of abstinence, forcing the addict to steal, prostitute and even kill in search of the next dose. Adultery at the beginning is beautiful. The devil tells a man or woman that they will never be discovered. The spirit of prostitution for some time takes the sight of both lovers away. Sows the illusion that that relationship is better than marriage. After all, the two don't see each other every day. The spirit of vanity enslaves them both. Both the man and the woman are produced so that their defects are hidden. However, the snare of evil is tightened every day. Soon the tracks will be uncovered, the devil will jump out of the boat, and the pair of lovers will drown in the muddy sea of ​​sin. Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Resist, persist and insist 1

Luis Alberto Alves In the journey of a servant of Jesus Christ, he must never forget three precious lessons in the course of life here in this world. You must resist the snares of the devil, persist in the Word of God and insist on prayer and fasting to make all the purposes of the Lord in your life a reality. It is not easy to enter Heaven, where the devil and a third of the rebellious angels turned into demons were cast out. A place where the streets are golden, there is no night or day, because the Light of the Lamb illuminates everything, there is no hunger, crying, thirst and sadness. Satan knew the Heavens, for he lived there for a long time. His fight is to try to prevent the spirits of countless people from contemplating the Glory of the Lord. Therefore, since the time of Adam and Eve he has worked day and night sowing dirty seeds, with the appearance of beauty, to seduce you. Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

quarta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2021

It is in weakness that God strengthens you 5

Luis Alberto Alves
I remember a great man of God, founder in the 50s of a ministry very anointed by the Lord, with temples spread throughout Brazil and abroad. Servant of Christ, but the son in his early teens suffered from asthma. Several times, he left the service to take him to the hospital. This battle only came to an end when this young man became an adult. God healed him forever. His father went to Gloria and he remained in charge of this ministry to this day. A thorn in the flesh is not a lack of faith in God. It is something the Lord needs to deal with with us and we are still without vision to see the move of Christ. Pray and continue in the presence of the Lord. He is with you, even in these terrible moments, where even death was invited to take you, so that your pain could end. You can be sure that God has something great in store for you. Blessing without measure. Shocking. Enough to forget all the torments you suffered. Just don't lose faith. Don't even open your mouth to criticize the Lord. Saying He forgot you. It's better to die than stay alive in the middle of this battle, in your vision, without end. Even with your eyes full of tears, your heart clenching, your soul sad, keep your focus on the Lord. Hell will be defeated and you will be strong in Jesus Christ. How I don't know, but God knows how to work to bless us. Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

It is in weakness that God strengthens you 4

Luis Alberto Alves All this because you are not like the apostle Paul, a man who was used tremendously by God. Even he suffered so much that he asked Christ to remove the thorn that tortured his flesh. I imagine that Paul prayed, cried, fasted, and did everything possible to get rid of this discomfort. He heard from the Lord that “His Grace was enough. The power of the Lord would be made perfect in Paul's weakness." We all have a thorn that hurts us. Sometimes the pain is so bad that we think about giving up and throwing it all away. Asking for release from the Army of God and returning to the world where Jesus Christ once rescued us. Suffering is something that hurts anyone. Especially when it reaches the soul and spirit. Think of that one, fearing the Lord, whose health is failing. Is he hostage to pain, dizziness and needs to go to the emergency room for relief, sometimes at dawn? Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

It is in weakness that God strengthens you 3

Luis Alberto Alves As he says at the beginning of the praise “Answer”, recorded by Thalles Roberto, ungodly people and even evangelicals weak in faith, start to bet even when you will remain standing in the presence of Christ. Where will some solution come from to get you out of this quagmire. It's a dark thing, with some believing that this time, your boat will sink for good. It is not easy, brothers and sisters, we depend on the Grace of Jesus Christ to fill and remain strong in this terrible battle against darkness. With satan sending legions of demons to attack you in marriage, professional life, student life, health, in your ministry. In everything, the devil pours out bursts of melancholy, apathy, fear, uncertainty, sadness... At these moments you have the impression that you are alone. Since no one helps you. On the contrary, it only takes blows from all directions. Even inside your house, the field is mined, filled with bombs exploding from the moment you wake up until bedtime. You pray, cry, fast, praise, meditate on the Word, evangelize, but everything seems to be empty. It is as if Heaven were closed to hear your prayers. Jesus was just looking at you without showing any reaction to help you. Right now, it seems that physically and spiritually we look rotten! Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

It is in weakness that God strengthens you 2


Luis Alberto Alves It is more painful to hear from the Holy Spirit that it is in his apparent weakness that the Power of the Lord will be at work. Imagine the entrepreneur, especially in this time of pandemic, with debt to pay and not knowing where to get money, continue believing in the promises of Christ. Also meditate on the unemployed family man, tired of sending out resumes, scheduling interviews with HR managers, phoning colleagues and friends looking for work, even temporary ones. Think about your heart, your mind, the pain torturing your soul. It is also not easy for the couple, who have just entered the world of marriage, realizing that every day it becomes more difficult to pay the installments of the property acquired at great sacrifice. The cupboard starts to spend most of the month without the staples. What about that pastor, chosen by the ministry, to stand before a church and realize that the number of members does not increase. Even bringing Words full of the presence of God. At the end of the month, the money from tithes and offerings is not enough to pay off expenses with electricity, water, internet, purchase of cleaning products, etc. Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

It is in weakness that God strengthens you 1


Luis Alberto Alves “My Grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”, 2 Corinthians 12/6. Today we live the gospel of evangelical supermen and superwomen. Many claim to be powerful to solve any type of problem and if the solution is not found, they blame it on Jesus Christ. Something dark. Which man or woman faithful to the Lord has not faced, nor does it face daily struggles? How many get up at dawn, their eyes swollen from crying, their heads aching with so many worries? How many servants of Jesus Christ pray without ceasing crying out for the Lord's help, as written in the first verses of Psalm 121: the land"... It is very easy to say that you love Jesus Christ when everything is fine, without any kind of struggle. It is difficult to hear from God that His Grace is enough for you to continue in the battle you face daily. Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor