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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

terça-feira, 23 de março de 2021

Isn't God seeing my suffering? 13

Luís Alberto Alves

Have you noticed the character of the brothers and sisters who suffered a lot? Pay attention to how you act. They think to speak. They don't let emotion overwhelm them. They are weighted. They watch carefully the place where they are stepping.

Most of the time, they try to walk, instead of running, as hallucinates do, imagining that haste is the solution for everything. Even when arguments arise, they prefer silence. Waits for the temperature to drop to give an opinion on the subject.

They confirm what the Lord said in Job, chapter 36, verse 15: "But God teaches us through suffering and uses affliction to open our eyes." Whatever you are going through is permission from Jesus Christ. He's teaching you. In the future you will know.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

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