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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

terça-feira, 19 de maio de 2020

“Even when you go to intercede for Saul, I have already rejected him as king of Israel”, 1 Samuel 16 E

* Luis Alberto Alves

The great projects of extolling his name through that life disappeared in the wind. The partnership has come to an end. How many people did not act or still act like Saul! They do not know that God's patience with them will come to an end.

Not for revenge, but for insisting on doing what is wrong. It sounds sad to hear the voice of God saying that He has already rejected that person. Being rejected by a person is one thing, but God does not want to compromise with anyone anymore, it is something profound, it is literally being thrown into the arena and becoming lion food.

Without anyone as a lawyer. It was like that with Saul. After 42 years of making mistakes, he went to fight his final fight, where he lost his children and asked for his own death.

A sad end for the man who could have taken David's place forever. He would be the one to reap the various blessings that God would pour over David.

* Luis Alberto Alves is a pastor

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