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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

segunda-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2019

Always walk with Jesus

* Luis Alberto Alves

Regardless of the situation we need to keep walking alongside the Lord. The difficulties cause us discomfort. After all we are not ice. We have emotions. We can never deny that something is good when it hurts us.

But our trust must always be in Jesus Christ. He is our very present help, especially in times of anguish, of sadness, when we imagine that our end has come.

It is common at the end of the year to evaluate our victories and defeats, for success usually people do not remember God. They think they went to the curriculum because of human ability. Defeats are the target of lamentation.

Unfortunately few pray to the Lord for clarification on future projects. Just step on the accelerator and that's fine. They do not know that Jesus knows our tomorrow. What will be the result of that adventure.

* Luis Alberto Alves is a pastor

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