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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

terça-feira, 16 de abril de 2019

Prophets: Do they still exist today? 3

* Luís Alberto Alves

What is the role of the prophet? It was to listen to the Lord and to pass on to the people his Words, even those considered harsh, as Jeremiah did when he spoke of God for more than 20 years, and the Israelite people refused to listen to him, to the point of throwing him into a pit full of mud. There is the case of the prophet Hanani, 2 Chronicles 16/7, who rebuked the king of Judah, Asa, who refused to trust in God, seeking refuge with the king of Syria. In this same book of 2 Chronicles, 18 / 14-34, there is the story of another anonymous prophet, Micaiah, who prophesied the truth against King Ahab.

For many centuries, the prophets fulfilled their role: to hear the messages of God and to pass on to the people. Isaiah had the privilege, 850 years before, of announcing the birth of Jesus Christ, as it is written in the book of Isaiah, chapter 9, 1-7. Isaiah is the prophet considered to be messianic because it was much used by God in predictions that were to occur more than 1,000 after his death.

It was through him that in chapter 10, verse 1-10, that Isaiah describes how our Justice operates, where at present "the poor are deprived of their rights and the oppressed do not have full access to the Judiciary." He is so used by God that the Lord gives him notions of astronomy, as it is in chapter 40, verse 15. In this same chapter, God tells Isaiah, in verse 22, that "He sits on his throne above the dome of the earth, whose inhabitants are to him as grasshoppers ... "

The names of some prophets, with their writings transformed into books in the holy scriptures, show the care of God. Zechariah (God remembered), Malachi (My messenger), Samuel (Heard by God), Isaiah (Lord saves), Jeremiah (God exalts), Ezekiel (God is powerful), Daniel (God is my judge).

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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