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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2018

Difficult times are coming

* Luís Alberto Alves

The words that Jesus put on the lips of Timothy are coming true, when the servant of God says that "in the last days shall come difficult times." We just look around and everything is confirmed.
Every day the situation gets worse. In several regions of the world, the catastrophe becomes routine, as is the accelerated growth of violence.

People today are lovers of themselves. They ignore the next one.
We take, for example, the issue of unemployment, with millions without work around the world. Whoever is in the business forgets the fellow who screws up for lacking money at home and continues to live worthily.

This is one of the examples of bad times. Even warning, people refuse to hear the warning of Christ. They think only of them, they only look at the navel. The rest they screw up. It is individualism taken to the extreme.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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