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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2017

Few Christians have spiritual maturity

* Luís Alberto Alves

There are few Christians who enjoy spiritual maturity. Big numbers behave just like children. They can not see God's plans in their lives. Complain about everything.

The word wise means ability to solve problems. In the life of the Christian, what is not lacking is pineapple to peel, whether in sentimental, professional, student and ministerial life.

Maturity is to be able to understand what is happening and choose the right tools to solve the issue. He does not open his mouth, criticizing God, when he does not follow the right path. Many do.

When you are in the middle of a spiritual shooting, feeling Satan's hot breath on your face, look to Jesus Christ. Believe me, He will never leave you alone in the midst of battle.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

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