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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

segunda-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2016

Caution: Time can cool you down and keep you from God.

.* Luís Alberto Alves

Nothing like the time to bring about changes in the human being. It changes concepts, ideologies, character, besides destroying great loves, which at the beginning gave a sign of eternity. It can be used by the enemy to drive us away from the good ways of the Lord.

Time is in no hurry. Just as old, he walks slowly but steadily, without stopping or looking back. Ruma always ahead. It involves the person slowly. It does not let her realize that the cold of unbelief penetrates subtly into soul and spirit.

First it puts the tiredness, then the apathy, the discouragement, the laziness, the lack of perspective and finally the lack of love. Gradually he turns the living ember Christian into charcoal erased and annihilated in faith. It changes concepts about the Lord, constantly hammering his mantras.

If there is no vigilance, you my brother will thicken the team of evangelicals who have turned away from Jesus Christ without realizing it, only with argument of lack of time. He becomes concerned about the material, leaving in the last place the spiritual, the green card of access to the Heavens.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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