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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

terça-feira, 2 de agosto de 2016

Have you thanked Jesus for another month of life?

* Luís Alberto Alves

The man is arrogant and selfish. The grace of the Lord has given us another month of life. How thanked for this gift? Few! People today think only in consumption. To buy clothes, shoes, perfumes, automobiles, electronic appliances and satisfy personal vanity. God is at the bottom of the queue.

It may seem silly, but how many have started in 2016 and are no longer with us anymore. But talk of these details may seem tedious. Criticize pastors (I include myself in this time). What's wrong to think only now, leaving the future there forward?

This is the perspective of this world. Few are concerned with the Kingdom of God. The important thing is to kill consumerist hunger. Come to terms with the neighbors, fellow students or fellow believers in Jesus Christ. Thank you for another month of life is a waste of time. The deal is to meditate on today.

All this confirms the Word of God, when he said that in the end times, would multiply the unloving. I clearly see Jesus' prophecy winning confirmation. Few Christians thank God for still gozarem a breath of life. You're part of this team hypocrites?

* Luís  Alberto Alves is pastor

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