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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2016

Love conquers all barriers

* Luís Alberto Alves

There is no greater power than love. He is able to destroy any barrier from the most solid to that architected with the greatest refinements of human wisdom. It is not something concrete, is abstract. This is one of the qualities of love to focus fire in the fight against hatred.

It was the love of this corrupt civilization, plunged to the neck in the mire of sin, that Jesus Christ assumed human form to come here on this earth where the evil lies. Love is believing in something good. Never look at the negative side, disturbing and petty.

Even in common life, it is love that makes husband and wife down their guards to let understanding prevail, rather than give way to selfishness and anger, one tries to kill the other every day. Love makes the defects remain in the background, emphasizing the qualities.

In this world where money dictates most of the rules, we need to open our arms to love. It is important to value the qualities at the expense of defects, look at the positive side rather than just highlight the negative. Most importantly, be loving as was Jesus Christ

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2016

Pleased with his wife's best

* Luís Alberto Alves

The pleasure with his wife is the best. No risk of disease. Nothing can overcome it. In addition, of course, fidelity, great value in a marriage relationship currency. Young people, even Christians do not understand the reason to invest in monogamy. They believe that having multiple partners is ideal.

When we're next to someone we love, everything flows quickly. The exchange look at coffee and during lunch is the password that will happen over night, when the two are getting ready for bed. It is complicity. Something cool in the life of any couple.

Sex must have love to be something good. Otherwise every man would be happy next to the prostitutes. No one better than them in the art of selling pleasure. But next to them, everything is fast. With the wife there is affection, affection and love. Even over the years does not take away the desire for someone who won our hearts.

So my brothers, deeply invest in their marriage. Look fill with affection the woman whom you made promises of love before the minister and witnesses. Do not feel ashamed to say you love her. And when you're making love to her, kiss her intensely. Insist your feeling right now as good in anyone's life.
* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

quinta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2016

It is easy to forget a big pain?

* Luís Alberto Alves

The popular saying says that the person to step on the toes of the other does not feel pain, just who got his foot down. This nuisance torments the victims of divorce, layoffs after several years of business, or even the loss to the death of a loved one. The heart feels the impact, because we are not ice.

What child does not collapsed in grief at the sight of parents signing the divorce and one of them leaving home forever? Or even the husband or wife before the judge deciding the end of that union, never to be back? And the pain of seeing the coffin shut inside and leave the child, mother, father, wife or husband, forever erasing that image that was before us several years?

Jesus wept to find the only son of the procession that the widow of Nain. Realized by that woman looks sadness of burying their only hope of life. Pain is something of great intensity. Do not choose rich, poor, white, black, man or woman. Impacts everyone.

In these times we need to seek help from the Lord to comfort us, pour your refreshment on our lives. We can not stick your head under the blanket and equal ostrich think that everything will be resolved. We need to put out the pain and embrace the joy of living next to Jesus.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2016

The world is increasingly degrades

* Luís Alberto Alves

I see every day the increase of human degradation. Good Christian values ​​lose effect quickly. Love is increasingly scarce. Few care about the next. Business is taking advantage. Leave the other behind, at any cost.

Personal relationships have turned the game of interest. Women measure the love of man for the amount of money that carries current account or the car brand. happiness passport is wealth, not the character. It may even be criminal, since it has financial health.

Within a few evangelical churches already exists to harmful competition between pastors to see how many times the word is preached from the pulpit. Here, now, it is the site of vanity, not to serve to pass the message of Jesus Christ. The deal is seen pop star of the gospel, as if the heavens were showbiz.

This debacle the world is moving toward the end. The society corrupts the speed of light. The struggle to come to power, whether at work or in front of the family, is real. Few think to act like Jesus Christ, who only preached love.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor.

segunda-feira, 22 de agosto de 2016

Neymar is the typical anti-Christian

* Luís Alberto Alves

The now famous and trendy Brazilian footballer, Barcelona striker of Spain, Neymar is the typical anti-Christian example. Puts track "100% Jesus' head, but acts as if it were" 100% Satan! " How can anyone in the position of big star of this sport, scolding an opponent fans after helping his team win their first gold medal?

But the sad story of Neymar begins years ago, when he was in the team of Santos, who in the 1960s had Pelé as a deadly weapon against opponents of the time. He impregnated a young woman who congregated in the same church where it says goer since adolescence.

With the arrival of fame, she decided to take the child, leaving aside the marriage proposal. Mundane spent attending Fever parties, where luxury prostitutes are present. The pictures published in the press show that Christian Neymar has nothing.

Personalities such disgust the gospel of Christ. They give the impression to the world that this is the behavior of Evangelicals, serving vaccine for those who want to embrace the Christian faith. As a humble shepherd who never craved the spotlight, leave a message to Neymar: "becomes really young man. Money does not serve as a bargaining chip to get into heaven. "

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor.

sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2016

You are persistent like the devil?

* Luís Alberto Alves

Every beginning of the year is the same story. In the cult of the turn, the brothers promise to make a difference. Plunge headlong into work, rather evangelize, preach the Word and praise the Lord even amid strong battles.

The excitement lasts until the first half of January. Soon the enthusiasm plummets. I have friends unionists, some of them non-Christians, and admire the claw with defending their ideals. Sometimes at odds with the words of Jesus Christ.

Perseverance is something today endangered among the people of God. Give up the fight easy. They complain a lot. Nothing is perfect. Like dish made. Few want to get their hands on. Struggle to realize the cherished dream of decades.

The evil is still persevering in taking the souls of the Lord's ways. He works hard, without loss of time. Even knowing the fate that awaits him. Skips and strives to bring the highest number of Christians to hell forevermore. Be persevering brother.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

quinta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2016

Caution: the last will be first in the Kingdom of God

* Luís Alberto Alves

In God's Kingdom rules do not resemble those used here in this world. The last to accept Jesus Christ as savior, may leave behind a card-carrying Christians. Some converted for over 50 years and full of mold, because in no time bothered to win souls for the Lord.

Many people have become accustomed to going to church attend services, instead of living them, including praying for others. They believe that the gospel of time is guaranteed to enter Heaven. They are wrong. Christ has called us to make a difference, plundering hell, not to stay silent.

New converts are excited and willing. In several activities are present. Be in the morning, afternoon or evening. They attend to assist in the work of God. They never stay hidden. They feel joy in participating in the Lord's Army.

If you plug in the old Christian profile, thinking that his former card-carrying member of the congregation to serve as a passport to heaven, better open your eyes. You run the risk of getting down here and face the wrath of the Antichrist in the terrible days of the Tribulation.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

quarta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2016

You hear the voice of God

* Luís Alberto Alves

I learned in these 20 years of walking with Jesus Christ to hear his voice in the center of my heart, instead of ears. Sometimes He told me of decisions that did not like to take. He was thought to images created by my mind to torment me.

Human beings, including Christians, like to hear what is pleasant. Leave aside the reprimands, corrections. This week I had a serious problem involving technology. I tried to solve at any cost. I did not make it. I prayed to God for solution and fast.

Jesus told me to look for someone that eight behind disappoint me, even leaving big disappointment in my heart. I had made immense failure. Those hard to get over. The weather did forgive him, but I was reluctant to continue the friendship of several years. Each in his corner.

Yeah. The Lord made me look for him to solve the problem. He treated me well. In the following hours I wondered how I was selfish. I tried not to give his arm to twist. The leaving in limbo. This example shows that God's thoughts will always be higher than ours.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

segunda-feira, 15 de agosto de 2016

Our greatest Father has great love for us

* Luís Alberto Alves

Yesterday (14), many countries celebrated Father's Day. festive day where many children demonstrated their love for those people responsible for their creation. Men who have overcome limits to provide the best for their children.

As always, some do not recognize the affection. They treat them with contempt. They refuse to reach out to those who once carried them in her lap, she woke up early in the morning and the rain took them to the doctor, without expecting anything in return. Let alone a hug.

The man treats others with disdain. Even when this one is the father. We in our ignorance we also leave aside the Father Jesus Christ. Most of the time, just remember Him when trouble knocks on the door and we have nowhere to run.

To our happiness, the Lord continues to love us. Especially in tortuous paths where we come in because of stubbornness. His love is unconditional. Never lose hope that one day return to their warmth. We should thank him for all he has done for us.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

quinta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2016

Sorry Amy: love is not a game of chance

* Luís Alberto Alves

British singer Amy Winehouse was a big hit with the song "Love is a Losing Game", whose letter says that love is a game of chance where the charm for the other person quickly is over, giving way to disappointment, as in many relationships.

When we do not have the love of Jesus Christ in our lives, anything becomes a lottery, mainly survive in an increasingly bad world where many seek refuge in drugs and alcohol. Amy sought happiness in drugs to meet death early.

Jesus Christ fills us with his love and life gets more colorful. Even in times of struggle, the Lord is on our side and we have strength and willingness to strike oppression. Love is a great force to throw down any barrier.

Because of this I say without fear of error, the servo position of the Lord, that love will never be a game of chance. I have a wonderful family and people interested in my welfare. I faced struggles, but the great love of God kept me standing, without resorting to drugs, as unfortunately did Amy Winehouse and died.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

quarta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2016

Christian is sad?

* Luís Alberto Alves

There is great controversy when we approach the subject sadness among Christians. Many imagine that the conversion to the army of Jesus Christ in the shields of all kinds of evil attack. Is not true. There are fights and there are many. Because we went out of the hands of darkness into light.

The Christian, including pastors, are sometimes sorrowful. They have no heart of steel, much less look like ice stone. The problem is that little is said about this subject. One wing of the evangelical churches puts sadness as weakness.

These same people are oblivious of Jesus Christ himself. He was shot down by sadness when he learned of the death of his friend Lazarus. The difference is very present help of the Lord in these times of turbulence. God extends his hands to bring comfort.

It is when we enter the furnace of fire. The world does not have the protection of Jesus Christ and suffer enough. The Christian is supported by the Lord to be able to face the gale. The important thing at this time is not murmur, but remain silent, helping the work of God in our lives.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

terça-feira, 9 de agosto de 2016

Money can disrupt marriages

* Luís Alberto Alves

Love is beautiful. Mostly in bed when the pleasure explodes between husband and wife. There, everything is perfect. Passionate kisses, eternal vows, praise and everything that satisfies the ego. It is the best of all worlds. Only the heavens can gain in tenderness and beauty.

Most couples live this sexy routine. But when the day comes to pay the bills, the honeymoon gets a little taste of gall. Both husband, the wife put aside the romantic air and run up the partner or partner demanding money to placate creditors.

When I see young lovers get to think, they know the financial realities of life? For more love that exists in marriage, money must be present not to let anger burst and hit the relationship. Wisdom at this time is very important. How to have?
Couple must keep cash on hand. Never should leave the squib of accounts fall on one of the two. It is better to share responsibility. Otherwise, the pleasure will flee the bed or sit on the table and can open the door and go. In this case, it is best to always watch !!!

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2016

How many relationships the couple is one flesh?

* Luís Alberto Alves

Today, most evangelical churches is large number of members with marriage destroyed. They remain in the same house, but living like two strangers. They do not sleep together anymore and start to pretend to friends and relatives.

But what is the reason for the relationship end? The error is in dating. Start and end badly wrong. Just seduced by the image and false sense of security. Men look sexual and women of the future husband pocket.

Within the same roof they realize the mistake. No longer speak the same language. Solidarity is buried quickly. The husband turns workhorse. To pay all expenses, and try to satisfy the whims of women, sometimes very expensive.

Few really are one flesh. United in joy and sorrow, health and sickness, calm and financial hardship. It is as if one of them were responsible for driving this boat by the sea of ​​life. Unfortunately these people saw ample ammunition in the hands of the evil one.

* Luís  Alberto Alves is pastor

terça-feira, 2 de agosto de 2016

Difference between hearing praise and secular music

* Luís Alberto Alves

I notice in the congregation where I am one of the pastors, as young people love the time to praise Jesus Christ. They are well-lit. Gesticulate and sing with all the strength of the lungs. Especially when the songs are in Rock or Funk rhythms of the United States, because of Rio de Janeiro is a waste created by the darkness.

Repeat without tiring the choruses. For them is the high time of worship. They give off high-energy dancing and even trying to follow the letter that appears on the screen. But remain quiet when the opening interpreting the old hymns of the Christian harp, prepared by Homesick brothers in Christ Daniel Berg and Gunnar Vingren.

Young people of this generation do not like to hear the Word of God. The feel dull. Gospel in their view is only praise. They hate staying seated to accompany a pastor serving the Lord's instrument. According to them, this kind of service is a waste of time. They prefer to enjoy surfing on social networks.

For lack of knowledge they do not know that praise is the maximum expression of worship to the Lord, our proof of affection for him. It secular music is to idolize people of this world, often used by Satan to turn away from the ways of God. Rhythm is one of the tools to know how to use skillfully. The best is to worship Jesus Christ.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

Have you thanked Jesus for another month of life?

* Luís Alberto Alves

The man is arrogant and selfish. The grace of the Lord has given us another month of life. How thanked for this gift? Few! People today think only in consumption. To buy clothes, shoes, perfumes, automobiles, electronic appliances and satisfy personal vanity. God is at the bottom of the queue.

It may seem silly, but how many have started in 2016 and are no longer with us anymore. But talk of these details may seem tedious. Criticize pastors (I include myself in this time). What's wrong to think only now, leaving the future there forward?

This is the perspective of this world. Few are concerned with the Kingdom of God. The important thing is to kill consumerist hunger. Come to terms with the neighbors, fellow students or fellow believers in Jesus Christ. Thank you for another month of life is a waste of time. The deal is to meditate on today.

All this confirms the Word of God, when he said that in the end times, would multiply the unloving. I clearly see Jesus' prophecy winning confirmation. Few Christians thank God for still gozarem a breath of life. You're part of this team hypocrites?

* Luís  Alberto Alves is pastor