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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2016

When Jesus is our slave

* Luis Alberto Alves

It may seem absurd, but sometimes we treat Jesus Christ as our own slave. In our short consumerist vision we love to satisfy the whims bursting in thoughts. It's good just to meet the absurdity that appears in the mind.

Are the weekend of Christians. Only seek the Word of God on Sundays. There inside the temple is a holy. They do not talk, whisper or even surf the internet. Also do not lie or covet his wife or husband next.

On leaving the service return to the old worldly habits. Some do not detach the degrading programming exhibited by television stations. They became fans of movies and bad taste novels. When you go online, they do not think much to show up in the wheels of the scornful, that Jesus both criticized.

On how much you imagine that the Lord is thy slave, will not leave the drawing board. Always be near the bottom of the race of life. Jesus Christ is not the beast. You know exactly when someone does not seek him or love of truth. It's fair. Will shed more blessings in the hands of true worshipers. Already the false ....
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

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