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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

sexta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2016

Evil exists and walks around me

*Luís Alberto Alves

The unbelief and stupidity of the gospel grew so much that many Christians began to ignore evil. Does not exist. Everything is a work of fiction pastors interested in keeping frightened sheep that do not leave the church. If you think like that, you better be careful.

The devil is not a character created by Jesus Christ. He exist. It's bad and loves to kill, steal and destroy. Not content to see someone looking for the love of God, a righteous life without vices and with disgust of sin. Who adopts this attitude wins many points with the Lord.

Idolatry and rush of our days did people treat Satan as one rebel but good and interested in the people's well-being. Evil exists and its only function is to kill Christian. Throw it in the pit of sin and there drown him in ignorance to refuse to believe in God's warnings.

I recommend caution for anyone who adopts this suicidal attitude. Seek Jesus Christ. Learn to rebuke evil through prayer full of the Lord's anointing. Do not be paranoid, but look for the front face of evil, exercising the authority that the Lord gave him when freed and saved.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

quinta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2016

Selfishness is one of the plagues of this century

* Luis Alberto Alves
Today few love their neighbor. The business is thinking of yes same. As we speak in the Brazilian slang: "The cool thing is look good in dribbling (situation)." Most sets aside the brother who is suffering to lose your job or family. It is the rule of every man for himself and God for us all.

The Lord is not pleased with this kind of behavior. He even asked us to love our neighbor, especially that nasty with us. Who only want evil, the worst for us and our family. These people are unaware that they are enemy of the instrument. Only evil loves to sow hatred.

At this time you read this text, someone may be dying of cancer in ICU, being robbed, getting shot in the head or any other part of the body, a girl being raped several times in a brothel countries in Europe where he kidnapped.

True Christian should never be selfish. You need to have love for each other. Spread joy. Never anger or pain. Need to set aside time and pray for others, even for those unfamiliar, perhaps they will never appear in his way. The homework of Jesus Christ is simple: open your mouth and pray.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

quarta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2016

When the Christian prays, evil disappears

* Luís Alberto Alves

In any spiritual warfare, Christians must resort to prayer. It is the most powerful weapon against the darkness. No use curse, cry, give jump from anger, punch the wall, having nervous breakdowns. The secret is to pray. Place the arms of the Lord our afflictions.

How many Christians spend time praying today? Many have become slaves of social networks. Even during sex with wife or husband, will not leave the cell. It is like drug addiction. Nothing separates them from the mobile device. Everything revolves around the social networks. Even in the bathroom the virtual chat continues.

People People need to understand that the open channel passes with God through prayer. When we pray earnestly, the Lord answers us. Calms the heart, removes the affliction of the soul. But it takes willingness and humility to kneel down and talk with Jesus Christ.

Even in the most difficult moments of fierce fights, when Satan and his demons oppress us, trying to end our lives, prayer is the relief. It removes the burden of back and got the easy yoke of Jesus Christ. The calm reigns within us. Try praying today.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

terça-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2016

When misery embraces man

* Luis Alberto Alves

This morning (26) witnessed a deplorable scene: on the sidewalk of a street, lane Counselor Avenue Furtado Freedom Center of São Paulo, I found a homeless man, dressed means clean clothes with suitcase and shirt and pants in a bag. Around garbage and flies flying over your body. He spoke disjointed words.

In the early afternoon I spent at the same place and he was almost asleep on the curb of the street and more flies hovering over her body. I thought of photographing it, but I restrained myself. Would explore other people's misery. Meditated on my life, the beautiful family that God has given me, the work that earned my living in an age of so many layoffs, especially in newspaper companies, health allowing the realization of various tasks.

 What caused this man, about 38 years old, white, thin, medium height, to make the pavement their home? By speaking gibberish, sitting near several garbage bags? You have or have had family? What reason to throw him in this humiliating situation? Through that street dwellers, God made me think to question less, to thank you and continue to maintain focus in life.

Anything can happen with humans. Today standing tomorrow fallen or vice versa. Pride sometimes makes many people think they are indestructible. Evil will never reach it. They begin to act irresponsibly. They lose respect for others. Ignores the family, friends and even God. It is the road to collapse. No one is born a beggar. Life turns. Some can get up, others die lying, immersed in a sea of ​​misery.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2016

When contamination reaches the ministry

* Luis Alberto Alves

Serving God is not easy. The renunciation of worldly pleasures to be reality in our lives. After all, it is not possible to love two masters. In theory it's easy. But in practice the problem is serious. Every Christian has a calling. Quality that Jesus Christ will use to gain lives to his Kingdom.

Currently contamination is present in various ministries. In praise of the area are numerous cases of brothers and sisters involved in fornication, prostitution and adultery. Some treat the problem childishly. To live at the time of Grace, the Lord will pass hands on the head of the rebel and fine.

On the walk as a shepherd came across terrible situations. Some of double shift: in the church that person was a good girl, charitable and friendly. Outside acted malevolently. To whoring and providing lousy witness of God's servant. I was disappointed when he took notice of that.

To fulfill the words of Jesus Christ, many evangelical congregations will face this problem. It is the weeds growing beside the wheat. Brothers or sisters without any regard to God's commandments. They prefer the false sweet taste of darkness to the sincere love of the Lord. But the price of that choice is bitter in eternity.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

quinta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2016

The ears of Jesus Christ are open to our cries

* Luis Alberto Alves

When we are in need of help, few ears open to our requests or even help. Most closes, out of the way. In view of these people, we are boring to ask for advice or even words of comfort amid the crisis.

 Christ does not act like that. In Psalms He said your ears were always open to the cries of the needy. In life, there are few people who never need to ask for help to God. Even billionaires, full power of the earth.

The problem is that pride prevents, on several occasions, we open the game with God. Put forth their feet fear, insecurity, doubt about a certain subject, and of course the weakness. There is no superman or superwoman.

With Jesus Christ you can play franc. It will never cheat you. It has no human nature, to help today and rub in the face tomorrow. Everything to humiliate. The Lord only helps us. We know our interior and as we find ourselves vulnerable before the war we face in the world.
*Luís Alberto Alves é pastor

quarta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2016

Family union depends much prayer

* Luís Alberto Alves

You want to keep her family together? Place your knees on the floor and pray always! Preferably all together. It is square attitude gather wife or husband and children to talk to God. People find time for anything but to present petitions to the Lord.

Make no mistake: the enemy of our souls keep walking around us like a roaring lion. Ready to destroy the most beautiful work of God's creation, which is the family. Malignant uses various subterfuges such as the internet, television programs, films, novels, poor quality music and false friends.

God's Word warns that divided kingdom does not remain standing. But some Christians end up playing into the hands of Satan. Invest time in individuality. Does not meet the family in prayer. Bet on their false superiority and believe they can win the evil using pride as a tool.

When Christ advised his servants to pray without ceasing, the master knew whereof he spoke. Together we are stronger, especially when speaking to God together. Family can not remain only in the joint lunch or dinner time. You should go hand in hand at all times.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

terça-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2016

You vaccinate her brother against the gospel of Christ?

* Luís Alberto Alves

There are experts in people vaccinated people lost against the gospel of Jesus Christ. And inside the church only speak of the difficulty to fulfill the commandments of the Lord. They never show up smiling. Life for them comes down to sadness.

When we find them immediately comes the answer: "I am at peace my brother, because I face terrible wilderness." Life for this kind of Christian is summed up in wars. Just look at battles, never toward our God.

When facing someone new in the faith leaves out the beatitudes of Jesus Christ and highlights the sacrifice to go hand in hand with the master. It is a killjoy. This kind of Christian has not yet true encounter with God.

Our mouth speaks what the heart overflows. For someone just open your mouth and speak only of defeats and sadness, is because they never felt true love of the Lord involve your life. After no person accounts are able to give something that does not. And have joy or sorrow to offer to your neighbor?
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2016

Prayer is the point of contact with God

* Luis Alberto Alves

Every Christian knows that to talk to God we need to pray. No use jumping, screaming, to punch the wall or even rolling on the floor. It is prayer that puts us near him. It need not be something full of figures of speech, but something serious to complete the connection there in the High Heavens.

But how many possessors wish to open my lips to speak with him? They prefer to let off steam with a neighbor, co-worker or even using the ear of the unknown, as if there was a solution.

Arrogance prevents some evangelicals to bow before Jesus Christ. They believe they are the last of the desert glass of water. They think God has an obligation to meet their applications even when they do not come out of their mouths.

We need to pray always. In good or bad day. In the storm or sun shining brightly on the horizon. It is in prayer that Jesus strengthens our spirit. Put your arms in our hands to travarmos the good fight. Look dialogue with God. You will see changes in life.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

quinta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2016

Because only we seek God in trouble?

* Luis Alberto Alves

In times of peace and happiness usually we forget to Jesus Christ. Steps aside in our lives. Imagine billionaire, surrounded by beautiful and desired women, top of the line car garage, mansions, farms, ranches, houses in front of beautiful beaches and flattered because of the power of his fortune. He will not remember the Lord.

Another example is the high performers surfing on the wave of success and stuffed bank account million. It will also provide little or no time for God. It is natural for people doing so. Imagine themselves demigods. They believe that the arm strength of them is responsible for the current state of success. Do not worry about tomorrow. Because of this, they think it will be over by the end of life. 

The human being only seeking support and comfort on the shoulders of Jesus Christ when you target the tragedy. The billionaire, who was poor quickly, pay attention to the words of the maid who cleaned the house, cooked and passed. In his eyes, this woman had nothing and is revealed to him now that he is ever enjoyed any prosperity.

Completely unaware of your life. But if you are at this level of not needing God, I recommend opening your eyes quickly, that Jesus Christ made it clear that the evil day comes to good and bad. After all, the year is not just winter or summer, sun, rain or cold. It is the great opportunity to play the pride and arrogance in the trash and come to depend solely on Jesus Christ.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2016

Holy Spirit does not dwell in dirty body

* Luis Alberto Alves

Many newly converted Christians fall into the error of keep practicing the same habits of the time they were rescued in the world for the love of Jesus Christ. In worship observe mainly the garments of brothers and sisters. Some go in shorts, tank tops, slippers; women costumes short dresses or sometimes short skirts, heavy makeup, t-shirts leaving out the navel. I have no reverence for the Lord.

 God said we should go to his house the way we met. But after knowing the Word is wrong to insist on the same lifestyle demonized the season. We can never keep the same dirt when we were immersed in the mud of sin. Who is a new creation will present abroad the deep scars of the changes. Even our clothes show how Jesus Christ changed our interior. Annihilating the old man.

Unfortunately some brothers still continuing captivity of the past. I miss the time of addiction beverages, games, assiduous attendance at brothels in search of paid sex, snorting cocaine, smoking marijuana or even steal. This one had not yet true encounter with God. Otherwise it would be transformed. To make matters worse, some evangelical churches encourage behavior worthy of prostitutes or rebels.

We managed to take water in a dirty glass. The Holy Spirit will not fix housing an unclean temple. There is residence of demons. They like where there is no cleaning. We can only say that we are new creatures when we leave the past behind full of sins and practices disapproved by God. If you are fitting this description, it's time to revise their opinions and have sincere encounter with Jesus Christ.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2016

You have the faith of David when he faced Goliath?

* Luis Alberto Alves
At the time of difficulty you have David's faith when he came across the giant Goliath, Army terror of Israel? Few can keep your eyes fixed on Christ at the time of bad day. They prefer to pay attention to the problem instead of placing trust in God.

I was thrilled with the words soccer player Wendell Lira, athlete of a small team of Goiás, Central West of Brazil, virtually unknown to Brazilians. However, God greatly used on the night of Monday (11) in Switzerland to receive the Puskas Award for best goal 2015.

The Goliath it was the superstar Messi, five Golden Ball winner. Talent recognized throughout the world of football. But the Lord exalts the lowly. Wendell took the prize of the most beautiful goal of last year. God remembered when receiving the trophy.

Let the Bible verse that tells of the struggle of David against Goliath. He was a David. For many, ever receive this award, especially to compete with the demigod of the ball, Messi. But our God is a master at exalt those who love the truth. Given their difficulties to Jesus Christ and let exalt him.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

segunda-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2016

Tiago years advised to be patient

* Luis Alberto Alves

The apostle Tiago, chapter 5, verses 7-8, advises us to be patient as the coming of Jesus Christ. It suggests even that we should have the same behavior of farmers waiting for the fruits that will be born after the release of the seeds on earth. But how many Christians today can fit this profile suggested by one of Christ's disciples?

Today, most evangelical lost patience. Just think this rotten world. They chase the crumbs thrown by Satan of his dirty table. Lose faith quickly. They aim to achievements, but without a sacrifice of sweat drop. Everything needs to fall anyway in your hands. No matter the means, only the ends.

Patience is something harmful to duty selfish. Many suspect until the coming of Jesus Christ walking on the clouds. They prefer the speed of deception. They pay no price prayer. The deal is to get the achievement. For women, some lost the shame of prostitution in search of a better position in the company.

Therefore, my brothers have something serious consciousness: if you lose patience as the return of Jesus Christ. I regret to inform you that your life is in the hands of the wicked. He will deceive you to throw it in place only where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. In there will be hard for you to cry out to the Lord. The time to do this with patience is here on earth.

* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

sexta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2016

You accept not Jesus Christ?

* Luis Alberto Alves

At a time when money took the place of God few people accept to hear negative response of Jesus Christ. Same spoiled child, many Christians think only of the pleasure of being served in prayers, some of them true absurdities.

Several evangelical churches have become places to deliver petitions to our God. Women ask men healed, fat belly, beautiful, famous and with a lot of money. After all, in their view, not worth marrying someone hard.

The girls think only of luxury. They pray to Jesus Christ to never go through a company. Wish only good limit credit cards, someone to play all your luxuries and stay most of the day doing nothing. Much less involved in the work of the Lord.

Most of the time non of Jesus Christ is to keep us on the path of salvation. Remove pride, arrogance and learn to depend only of his boundless love. God knows that a yes at the wrong time can push someone quickly bound for hell.

* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2016

When Jesus is our slave

* Luis Alberto Alves

It may seem absurd, but sometimes we treat Jesus Christ as our own slave. In our short consumerist vision we love to satisfy the whims bursting in thoughts. It's good just to meet the absurdity that appears in the mind.

Are the weekend of Christians. Only seek the Word of God on Sundays. There inside the temple is a holy. They do not talk, whisper or even surf the internet. Also do not lie or covet his wife or husband next.

On leaving the service return to the old worldly habits. Some do not detach the degrading programming exhibited by television stations. They became fans of movies and bad taste novels. When you go online, they do not think much to show up in the wheels of the scornful, that Jesus both criticized.

On how much you imagine that the Lord is thy slave, will not leave the drawing board. Always be near the bottom of the race of life. Jesus Christ is not the beast. You know exactly when someone does not seek him or love of truth. It's fair. Will shed more blessings in the hands of true worshipers. Already the false ....
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

terça-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2016

I do not remember your past

* Luis Alberto Alves 

Fifth Day 2016, and many people are still trapped in 2015 and majority in the last ten or 20 years. They can not break with the past. They seek at all times to bring him back. It is wrong to do so. To take possession of the bright future that the Lord has promised us, it is important to leave behind the memories, especially those leads us to hurt and sad moments. It's time to throw away the iron ball attached to the ankle. Over, he does not return.

God himself says in the book of Isaiah that "It does not even remember most of our past", for which reason we need to keep this museum in our mind? Some brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, already divorced for many years, yet took heart the ex-husband or ex-wife. Even in another relationship, insist in the event of return, repair the mistake to blame for the destruction of that marriage. It is over. Close your eyes for that tragic experience and has life.

Imagine Jesus Christ remembering our past sad pain? Every moment playing in our mind the time when we lived attached to prostitution, drugs, theft, crime, corruption, homosexuality, lesbianism, witchcraft and all dirt thrown by Satan in our lives. I would not have peace. We could hardly move forward. Doubts would accumulate in mind and every step would plunge us into error. But God became a rubber in this filth and move forward.

For you to get wins in this 2016 last let your past. No matter what it is. Close once and for all, and the door never open. Bury the memories. Let the Lord move their hands into the wounds of your soul, start the pus and blood and stepped cure it forever. Do not let the past keep asking him hostage. Look forward. God has reserved the best for you. Because in glory there is no room to remind us of our passage through this dark world. Great 2016!
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor