Luís Alberto Alves
In Luke 10:19 Jesus Christ makes it very clear that He grants us the power to trample on serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy and nothing will harm us. How many Christians take possession of this Word of the Lord? Few! Many continue to tremble in fear of the fury of darkness.
Some refuse to go through a crossroads where there is a witchcraft den. They claim to be afraid that those evil entities will accompany them.
As a pastor, through the mercy of Jesus Christ, I have heard servants of God confess to being afraid of being near someone possessed by evil spirits. In other words, if you find yourself in a situation where you have to cast demons out of someone, the first decision to make is to call the pastor to take on this mission.
With this gesture, they refuse the power granted to them by God. They literally tell Jesus that this Word does not apply to them. Is Jesus Christ a liar? In this type of situation, we need to observe the behavior of children. Most of the time, some of them are more converted than many adults. They pray with the authority that Jesus Christ granted. Struggle Currently, several evangelical denominations offer a distorted Gospel, full of lies and heresies. They insist that we should be happy here in this world, because, in their view, no one knows what it will be like in Glory.
They encourage consumerism. The ideal is to fill the pockets of businessmen with money and leave the work of the Lord out in the open. On some occasions, I have come across pastor friends working out to pay rent, water, electricity and internet bills without any support from their members. Many of them do the work and work outside, needing to put money out of their own pockets so as not to tarnish the name of the church. It is sad. People who are in Christ need to take possession of the Word of God once and for all.
Stop playing at being Christian. Take up the banner of struggle that is to combat the darkness led by Satan. They must understand that the Gospel of the Lord is not child's play. Stop with the illusion that the devil feels sorry for anyone. He will always be evil. Word The strategy of darkness is to discredit the Word of God. It is to try to put into our minds that it is not worth serving the Lord. That we need to fight to be happy here in this dark world, where the evil one lies, because no one knows what our life will be like in Heaven.
This group of Christians forgets that Jesus Christ himself said that there is “no mourning, hunger, death, sadness”. That we will walk on streets of gold and praise the Lord eternally. In this world we only have flashes of happiness. God allowed this situation so that Christians would not get used to this world we are passing through. We need to remember what is written in Ecclesiastes 12:7: “And the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.”
Since many people read the Word without paying attention to the details, few are able to understand what the Lord is saying in this part of the text. We were all made from the dust of the earth, and science itself has already proven all of this by describing that all the minerals found in the soil are present in our bodies. Exhumation It is a grim scene, but I suggest that people watch an exhumation and have the eyes and emotional structure to see what is left of us, three years after our burial.
The flesh turns to dust, leaving only hair, bones, and nails intact. The human being returns to the dust from which he came. The spirit is no longer there, it has departed into the hands of the Lord, as described in Ecclesiastes 12/7. This text makes it very clear that we are not of this world. However, why do many Christians insist on ignoring this Word of the Lord, clinging to the passing pleasures that exist on Earth? Do they not accept to faithfully obey the commandments of God?
Do they cling to the false theology of prosperity, putting money first and leaving Jesus Christ aside? The time has come for the servants of the Lord, those who are still wavering between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness, to decide which side they are on. Either they accept the authority granted by Jesus Christ or they dive once and for all into the sea of mud of darkness. Jesus Christ made it very clear that no person can serve two masters. Either they please one or the other. No one is a Corinthians fan and a Palmeiras fan at the same time. Enough with playing with the Lord.
Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.