Luís Alberto Alves
Imagine yourself walking down a street of gold, in a city where there is no shine from the sun or the moon, because the Glory of God illuminates it and the Lamb is its lamp? All people in that place will walk in its light and the kings of the earth will bring their glory to it! Its doors will never be closed during the day, because there will be no night there, as described in Revelation chapter 21, verses 23/24.
This is the scenario that will contemplate the servant of the Lord who fights to the end, runs the race stipulated by God and keeps the faith. Whoever resists the lentil dishes offered by Satan and his demons, keeps his mouth shut when instigated by darkness, leaves his heart clean of sinful desires and his mind captivated by Jesus Christ.
But not all Christians stay tuned to Heaven's Wi-Fi. Out of carelessness, he prefers to enter the network maintained by the devil and his demons. They fall for the argument that happiness in this world is better than in Heaven. They exchange a stabilized marriage for the rotten fruit of adultery. That's when the little boy with a toned body at the gym seduces the housewife who got tired of the Word of Jesus, of being faithful to her husband.
There is also the case of the husband who cannot resist the charms of the young woman with a slender body and bright eyes, only interested in the contents of his checking account, and throws away the happiness of a marriage blessed by God. As the Word of the Lord says, “sin is sweet, but the end tastes bitter”, as described in Proverbs, chapter 5, verses 3/6. To justify these two examples, the devil created the phrase: “nothing to do”!
Many people forget what is written in Matthew, chapter 11, verse 12, when it says: “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been taken by force, and those who use force take it by force.” In the analogy of this world, everything that is good is difficult to achieve. To get into the best free colleges you need to study hard, in addition to facing strong competition in the entrance exam.
To work in the best companies, earning a great salary and with various benefits, you need to have an excellent CV, in addition to being a qualified professional. No one is admitted anyway. To play for the world's top football teams, the athlete needs to prove on the field that they deserve to be hired. Managers will never invest millions of reais or dollars in someone devoid of any talent.
However, in the current Gospel of Results, propagated by countless Brazilian and foreign evangelical denominations, God will place someone in places of excellence, even if they are completely lacking in capacity. Of course, if that person takes an envelope and puts some money bills inside. In other words, in the view of this type of church leader, it is possible to corrupt Jesus Christ to obtain some type of blessing.
In these people's view, the important thing is to achieve happiness here in this world, leaving what Jesus Christ promised us in the background. The focus is to look at everything the world offers us and focus on it. Taking money, sometimes dirty due to the sin of drug trafficking, robbery, theft, corruption, prostitution and investing it in the purchase of a top-of-the-line car; of a house or apartment in a gated community, very expensive and designer clothes and of course without leaving aside the pleasure of satisfying the flesh.
The thing is to wear two layers: that of a converted Christian inside the church and that of a demoniac outside, when he joins and is happy in the circle of scoffers, consumes drugs, alcoholic beverages, prostitutes himself, swears, lies, consults the stars, bangs heads on the altars of Afro cults on Fridays, eats sweets at Cosme and Damião's parties. After all, it is obeying two masters. On Sunday, he is on good terms with God, and for the rest of the week he pleases Satan.
In this type of Gospel, what is written in Matthew, chapter 6, verse 24, when Christ said through his apostle, does not deserve credit: “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate one and love the other, or he will dedicate himself one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon. For those who don't know, Mammon in Aramaic means money, riches. This is when a person lets money take the place of God in their life. Become his slave. Everything he does revolves around money.
Literally, if someone loves God and money, they will not be able to enter Eternity, because money will be their master. It is someone who refuses to contribute to God's work. It's very petty. His life revolves around money. On the other hand, it is a supporter of unbridled consumerism. If you have a limit of R$20,000 on your credit card, it will be maxed out every month. He is addicted to buying, even when he doesn't need to. The pleasure is buying, especially expensive objects, to show people that you have great purchasing power.
In “big door” evangelical churches, the leadership encourages this type of consumerism. Instructs the member to never feel like “wanting”. An example of a successful Christian is living in luxury condominiums, where the IPTU exceeds R$10,000 per year, and the value of the house or apartment is above R$4 million. A popular car is for poor people, Christians who pray a lot, like vigils, going to lots of places, preaching the Word in the supermarket, on the Metro, on the Bus, bank, service, etc...
As for women, in this type of harmful Gospel, they can be perfect copies of those who do not know Jesus Christ. If you are single, there is no problem going out with several men or women, clearly encouraging lesbianism. The thing is to enjoy life, preferably in designer motels or flats. Consuming drinks or drugs is also permitted. Then just go to Sunday service, raise your hands and say hallelujah three times and all is forgiven. Obeying the commandments of Jesus Christ is something reserved for fundamentalists. After all, God is Love.
Loving God above all things is a task for fanatics of Jesus Christ. The thing is to invest heavily in the offerings of this world. Imitate and consume lentil dishes. Being a secret agent of the gospel. Never talk about the love of Christ at school, at work or anywhere you are present. Never having time for Jesus. A good prayer is one that lasts less than 5 seconds. Reading the Bible or watching films or miniseries with Christian content or even listening to praises tuned to Wi-Fi from Heaven is foolish.
The end of times, announced by Christ, is near. The signs are visible. An example of this is the strong heat wave in various regions of the planet, the speed of time, it seems that a month lasts a week, wars, earthquakes, famine, diseases that Medicine cannot identify, etc... It still exists time to tune in to the Wi-Fi of the Heavens. To love Jesus Christ with all our hearts, to renounce the delicacies of Satan and his demons. Of choosing to please God. To obey his commands. Our passage here on earth is similar to a drop of water, while our presence in eternity is similar to the size of sea water. Make the choice: world or Heavens.
Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.