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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

sexta-feira, 30 de junho de 2023

The current gospel is running out of salt


Luis Alberto Alves/Hourpress

The current Gospel is running out of salt. It's not impacting people like it used to. More and more copies the customs of the world, instead of doing the opposite. In some denominations it is difficult to recognize if there is a place that preaches the Word of God or if it is a concert hall, with the Gospel brand.

It is difficult to find someone who preaches as they did in the past. It's all superficial, self-help talk-like stuff, filled with buzzwords, and worded to keep the audience on their toes. As they say in the world of Communication, it's something full of crutches. The current preacher is similar to an auditorium entertainer.

Because of "political correctness", today care is needed to bring a message, depending on the content, the pastor will walk on eggshells. In other words, nowadays someone like John the Baptist would not be able to preach anywhere. Imagine, a man who was a cousin of Jesus Christ!!


If he opened his mouth and said that the world is full of a race of vipers, he would soon be embittered in court, in addition to suffering all kinds of insults on the internet, as an irresponsible and hateful person. How can someone who eats locusts occupy the pulpit of an evangelical church???

Elias would also be hounded by the media because of his position against idolatry and people who play at being Christians. Where have you ever seen someone who prays and fire comes down and the prophets of Baal and Azerah end up dead after God answers his prayer?

He and John the Baptist are examples of salt in Christianity. But today, both would have no place in a gospel that is afraid to salt the earth, largely polluted with sin. Denominations with thousands of members are those that tolerate everything, including the presence of the world inside their temples.


In the name of supposed love for others, any kind of error is allowed in various denominations, even what Jesus Christ does not agree with, as described in I Corinthians 6/9, in Romans chapter 1, Revelation 21/8, Genesis 2/24. In fact, there are already people who accuse the Lord of being a dictator, a tyrant, insensitive.....

Since God is love, the current rule is to accept everything, of course without question. Just like the child who decides to destroy all the furniture in the house, open the fridge and throw food on the floor, scatter garbage over the upholstery and bed. Parents can't do anything, after all, it's someone classified by Justice as incapable.

It's a kind of love that leaves out the word correction. It would be as if the Police could not arrest any type of criminal. Since they are people with imbalance and because of this they commit crimes, such as kidnapping, robberies, rapes and even homicides. There must be agreement with all kinds of nonsense.


The evangelical church that is salt is currently considered fundamentalist, outdated, straight-faced, with no connection to the advances of the world. Today it is silly to ask the brothers to gather before the preaching and pray for that service. Any reverence during the period that a servant of God brings the Word is something wrong, without purpose.

The thing is to turn on the cell phone to watch the football team's game or any artist's concert while the pastor is there bringing God's message. After all, there's nothing wrong with paying attention to the Word of the Lord. The worship group can play the songs with a beat in tune with the world, to give a hint of modernism.

On top of all that I wrote, I believe that if Jesus Christ came to walk in the evangelical churches of many countries, he would end up expelled. He would be prosecuted for driving merchants out of the temple. If there was a refusal to assist a woman and compare her to a dog, as described in Matthew 15 21-28, the police would go after her. The current gospel is getting difficult for the real Christian.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.