Holocaust In this context my brother and sister, are you brave to face Baal, who is the devil himself, in a battle where it will be necessary to show that you are someone of faith? Do you have the strength to look at satan and say that the blood of Christ is covering you and you will come out victorious in this war? Are you willing to face the demons out of hell to cause chaos in this world?
If you come across someone possessed by evil spirits in your college, college, neighborhood, work or even on the subway or bus, do you have Elijah's courage to pray to God and fire falls to burn that evil? Are you confident that God will hear your prayer? Do you have credit in Heaven? Are you sure that Jehovah will hear your cry?
Do you believe that when you lift your hands towards Heaven, the Lord will obey you and pour out the consuming fire from there? Are you aware that you still enjoy intimacy with God? That within your heart the fire of the Holy Spirit burns and in your mind you hear beautiful praises that please the Lord? Do you believe that you're someone standing on the Rock?
Confidence Elijah prayed and in seconds, fire descended from Heaven and burned the holocaust, with the flames consuming everything that was there. Even in a scenario completely contrary to reason. A man before 950 soldiers of the devil. If God didn't have love for Elijah, he would be slaughtered, his body ripped apart. But the man of God was confident and the Lord answered the prayer made there.
Are you sure you really are well anointed to face the devil's troops? What pleases the Lord, instead of remaining trapped in Baal's charms? It is someone who has chosen to serve Jesus, regardless of the disapproval of the world, including colleagues and wolves disguised as sheep in the church.
Are you sure someone is a jack of all trades in the fight to plunder hell? Who has the autonomy to act against evil without fearing the devil's threats? Who is concerned only with the judgment of the Lord, leaving in the background what people think about him. He is a warrior for Christ.
If you are sure, pray like this: “Jesus, use me as You want, no matter where I am. I just want to obey you and be your witness. To be an Elijah in this rotten world to defeat Baal in all the ways he manifests. And even when it seems lonely, your love will comfort me and show that I am your child. The strength and faith that the Lord gave to Elijah, pour out on me, always.” Amen. Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

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