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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

terça-feira, 13 de abril de 2021

Take away spiritual doubt 11

Luís Alberto Alves

The person faces an identity crisis. It is the struggle in the heavenly regions reflecting in your mind. In pleasure she feels happiness, but after those moments, sadness, depression and the desire to try to return to the past, before being thrown into that experience by the devil, soon arrives.

In order not to miss the trip, the devil sends a spirit of addiction to torment that person. Through the drug, she will try to keep herself "happy". And in this search you will sink deeper into this mud. With the lack of money, she soon goes on to crime or prostitution (in the case of women), aiming to control something that escapes her hands.

At a more advanced stage, this person will behave like crazy. Talking to himself on the streets, he will no longer bathe, wear torn clothes, without shoes, will have delusions. If she does not go through a strong process of liberation, she will soon die and may be buried as destitute, as she has already left her family behind.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Take away spiritual doubt 10

Luís Alberto Alves

Another tactic of the devil is to pervert the person. It is to change her sexual behavior. In witchcraft this process is called "turning". A man, who has always liked women, starts to feel a strong attraction to another man. In this case, he will leave the family to satisfy that desire.

It will be the same with women. He will leave a happy marriage, of many years, to live together with someone of the same sex. According to the sorcerers, in front of this man is a cute pigeon (female demon) and in front of the woman, an exu (male demon).

But since the devil is the father of lies, in the spirit world, angels and demons have no sex. What is done, by means of black magic work, is to neutralize that person's desire to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex. For a time the charm remains, but soon it presents problems.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Take away spiritual doubt 9

Luís Alberto Alves

The reverse is also true. Suddenly the appetite disappears. This victim of darkness stops eating. When he tries to eat, he soon vomits. The devil's project, in this case, is to reap that life, by starvation. Doctors, even with multiple tests, will not be able to detect this cause.

Satan also affects the sex life. If married, husband and wife are no longer attracted to making love. They stay months or even years without any physical contact. When singles, both men or women, who had a modest life, start to behave like a girl or a show boy.

There are cases, of people who take to the streets in search of someone unknown to quench their thirst for sex. In this case, a spirit of prostitution will try to destroy that person's life, always aiming to get someone to transmit a disease to him to take his life.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Takes away spiritual doubt 8

Luís Alberto Alves

The highlight of this battle is when that person decides to go head-to-head with the darkness. Resolve to go through a process of liberation. Before going to church, fear overwhelms her. Some panic. They start having nightmares, hearing voices, seeing shapes anywhere and they usually become very nervous.

In some cases, doctors identify these evils as panic syndrome, but without explaining why. What is spiritual does not find support in the material world. They fill the patient with tranquilizers and the person becomes a zombie. However, the demons remain in that life.

Another sign of satanic attack is fast and uncaused weight loss, even with the person eating properly. She has a voracious hunger. She eats a lot, but is never satisfied. Some do this at night and in the morning. The curious thing is that in the case of meats, they start to eat steaks oozing blood.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Takes away spiritual doubt 7

Luís Alberto Alves

In every area attacked by the devil, he leaves no trace in the material world. Illness that a doctor does not discover, unhappy sentimental life, even when the person is a good person, a failed professional (he starts a company and soon breaks down, goes into good jobs and cannot keep working long).

He doesn't succeed in anything he does: in commerce he can't be a good salesman or merchant, at school he only gets bad grades, even if he studies a lot, all his objects are the target of destruction (in traffic he is a constant victim of accidents, clothes that get spoiled easily).

If he buys electronic devices, in a short time it breaks in his hands, be it cell phone, television, microwave, or even refrigerators, washing machine. He becomes the target of persecution anywhere, even in the family. Almost like the television character “everyone hates Chris”.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Take away spiritual doubt 6

Luís Alberto Alves

Most of the time it is demons that are behind that action. They received an offering to bring destruction to the life of that person or family. They act in legions (a legion is composed of 2 thousand evil spirits). They attack on several fronts, aiming to kill the faith, in the first place, to remove that person from the presence of God.

Then they sow misery, locking their doors in their professional lives, whether as an employee or businessman, then they set out on a sentimental path, putting up fights, intrigues, confusions, lies, mistakes in marriage, courtship or engagement. They destroy the circle of good friendships, so that the person is alone.

Another place preferred by demons is the mind. They work there with thoughts of defeat, suicide, low esteem, melancholy and depression. The goal is to prevent the person from thinking about the commandments of Jesus Christ, but stay focused on the problem. In doing so, help is not sought. He comes to believe that it is natural.

 Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Take away spiritual doubt 5

Luís Alberto Alves

One of the devil's tactics is to try to make the Christian unbelieving. So that you never have a spiritual view of what happens against him. That's when the famous phrase “nothing to do” comes into the picture. So the person loses focus and finds what is suffering natural.

Spiritual attack is generally not identified in the MATERIAL field. Example: disease that no doctor discovers. All tests are negative, even with serious symptoms presented by the patient. Result: the person is classified as crazy. Invents disease to get the attention of family members.

A medical wing classifies this type of evil as psychic, something created by the mind. The patient believes that he is sick, when in fact he is healthy. However, there are cases, such as serious problems with the kidneys, liver, heart, bladder, lungs and mind, that the evils caused are visible, but nothing appears in the exams.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Take away spiritual doubt 4

Luís Alberto Alves

This battle will manifest itself in several ways. Like a pendulum, the devil always tries to attack the Christian. He tries to close the paths of the sentimental area, making the person unhappy in love or when married (the) target of oppression (oppression is an external attack and obsession is what comes from within us).

He was unsuccessful, he went to the professional area, trying to cause unemployment or even to change the finances so that the money will never be enough to pay debts and support his family (especially in those who are not tithe payers).

Hence, the darkness leaves for the health area causing illnesses, aiming at losses, because that person will have to spend on medicines, exams and sometimes with expensive treatments. Unsuccessful in this attack, the devil aims his darts at student life, sowing discouragement and doubts in that person's mind.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Take away spiritual doubt 3

Luís Alberto Alves

It is in this section that the brothers and sisters need to pay close attention, to identify natural actions of those that are of a spiritual nature. Without great intimacy with God, it is sometimes difficult to understand what is happening to us.

There is a theological line that ignores all of this that I am writing. In the vision of these brothers in Christ, once released by the Lord, Satan will leave us alone and we will only reap victories, we will never face battles again.

They ignore what Jesus Christ said through John, chapter 16, verse 33: “I have told you this, that you may have peace in Me; in the world you will have afflictions, but be of good cheer; I overcame the world ”. The afflictions that Jesus quotes in this text, through the apostle John, are the spiritual wars that we will fight against Satan and his demons.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Takes away spiritual doubt 2

Luís Alberto Alves

Satan has transit in the heavenly regions. When the apostle Paul writes in the letter to the Ephesians, in chapter 6, verse 12, he makes it very clear where the devil and demons circulate. Just pay attention to this verse: "For our struggle is not against human beings, but against principalities and powers, against the dominators of this world system in darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly regions".

In this same letter to the Ephesians, chapter 1, beginning of verse 3, it is written: "Blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all manner of spiritual blessing in the heavenly regions in Christ ..." why does satan circulate in the heavenly regions?

It is there that our blessings are generated by the Lord and from there, they will soon become reality here on Earth, on the material plane. Therefore, the war is to try to prevent the reality in the celestial world from appearing here in our material world.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Take away spiritual doubt 1


Luís Alberto Alves

But the question that does not want to be silenced is the following: "how do I identify something of darkness in my life, in my family, in my business, in my studies, in my ministry, in my marriage, in my emotional life, in health, etc." ?

In Luke 8:17, it is written: "Because there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing hidden (in some translations, secret) that will not be hidden and brought to light". Jesus says, through this text, that anything THAT is hidden by the demons will be discovered.

There are differences between the spiritual and the material world. It is the first that rules the second. This is visible when God creates everything that exists. In other words, the Lord was already God, before there was everything we know in the visible world. Therefore, the material came after the spiritual.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Takes away spiritual doubt

Luís Alberto Alves

How do we know that we are being attacked by the Evil One? Does he warn us of his demonic projects? How do demons act in the spiritual realm? Do servants of God need to worry about this? Anyway, what strategy should we use for this war?

These questions never go out of style, my brothers and sisters. They always occupy space in our mind, especially when we enter the desert or become the target of darkness. In James, 4/7, it is written: "Submit yourselves, therefore, to God, but resist the devil, and he will flee from you".

Not everything that happens to us is of Satanic origin! These are natural actions, but for lack of discernment, we spiritualized that matter and threw it in the devil's lap, something he did not put his dirty claws on.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.