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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

segunda-feira, 30 de março de 2020

Coronavirus makes the world look inside itself-2

* Luís Alberto Alves

But the bill has arrived! Contrary to what many people think, the coronavirus is an attack by Satan. I disagree! It is something allowed by Jesus Christ to correct his flock.

It is to make the Christian look within himself, to meditate on what he has been doing. That faith of appearance. Of the people who were in the services to be seen. Like shopping mall.

That in this moment of quarantine, the Christian may have a great encounter with Jesus. Look up and understand that it is nothing without Christ. Be reborn and obey the legitimate Gospel of Jesus.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Coronavirus makes the world look inside itself-1

* Luís Alberto Alves

The Christian was unaccustomed. Only interested in blessings, leaving aside the blesser: Jesus Christ. Ignoring his commandments, the business card to enter Heaven.

In different regions of the world, evangelical churches have distorted the Gospel of Christ. They began to sell promises, as Catholicism did before the Protestant reform.

It was the Gospel of results. What mattered was only the money of the faithful. The Word of Christ was in the background. This has been the routine for the past few decades until today.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Coronavirus makes the world look inside

* Luís Alberto Alves

The best way to get to know a situation completely is when we enter your bowels to understand what really happened or is happening.

I apply this maxim to the economic and health crisis caused by the coronavirus. How many changes the world faces in the last days! How many health habits have changed!

Today, people understand why taking care of personal hygiene, its impact on each person's routine. Unfortunately, there is a minority that row in reverse.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

segunda-feira, 16 de março de 2020

Coronavirus and the prophecies of Jesus Christ - 6

* Luís Alberto Alves

When people wasted no time, refusing to announce the good news. Concerned only with their own well-being. Without looking at the lost. Souls that needed only a word to know the love of Jesus.

Only in times of pain and tragedy do some perceive the Lord's dependence. While on top, they prefer to believe in their own strength. They even make fun of Christ. They call the faith of others fanaticism.

Now that the gale of the coronavirus is blowing across the world, many realize that man's wisdom is ineffective before God. For the Supreme Power exists only in your hands. Do not share His glory with anyone.

So my brothers go back to reading the Word of the Lord. Understand that Jesus' prophecies do not fail. All are fulfilled. The emergence of the coronavirus is just one of them. Others will come, until the final sentence is fulfilled.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Coronavirus and the prophecies of Jesus Christ - 5

* Luís Alberto Alves

We should, as Christians, carefully observe the prophecies spoken by Jesus. Understand that everything that happens in these last days is for the realization of divine plans. It is not something to rock with us. It is to build us up.

On the other hand, it is time to redouble our prayers. We stop acting like a child. Only concerned with obtaining blessing, without setting aside any time for the Lord's work. Just getting fat on the bench.

How many Christians are in the churches and have never gained a soul for the Kingdom of God. They only score in services. He is a Christian inside, but outside he is just like the mundane. He lives in the same filth. Without presenting a good testimony.

May the coronavirus serve to open the eyes of these people, so that they wake up. The time has come for judgment, for reckoning with Jesus. This time, He will not come like a lamb, but as a judge. And severe.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Coronavirus and the prophecies of Jesus Christ - 4

* Luís Alberto Alves

Why do I repeat that Christians should be happy to have the coronavirus burst. Why the Words of Jesus are confirmed. Unfortunately, many do not look at this issue this way. They fall into the speech of the world.

Those who do not know Christ will scream, be terrified, try to take their own life. They do not realize that the epidemic announcement is the calling card for the beginning of the end. Out of this world.

People live so long on this planet that they end up liking this prison. They think it can improve here. No! The trend in the world is getting worse and worse.

Do not imagine that God will pour out your Mercy to leave this world in good condition. More and more the Lord will move towards the completion of his Word.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Coronavirus and the prophecies of Jesus Christ - 3

* Luís Alberto Alves

Jesus did not deceive us: He warned us in Luke, chapter 5, verse 11 that "... And there will be great earthquakes and famines in many places and epidemics, and there will be great signs from heaven ..."

However, for lack of reading the Word of God, many are unaware that the emergence of the coronavirus is simply the fulfillment of the Word of God. There is no reason to panic.

The Lord knows what He does. This moment is for the true Christian to glorify the name of Jesus. It is not to fall into the discourse of the world, to enter into despair.

Many churches should have a Thanksgiving service, because the coming of the Lord is approaching. What He prophesied almost 2,000 years ago comes true.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Coronavirus and the prophecies of Jesus Christ - 2

* Luís Alberto Alves

Unfortunately, most Christians only look at Jesus seriously when the callus presses on their feet. Otherwise they play the game of the world, including participating in the garbage it offers daily.

He does not understand that we are not of this world. Here is just a passage. The eternal abode is in Heaven. It is there where we will stay forever, in a place where Jesus will be our eternal company.

But attachment to material goods prevents the Christian from seeing this reality. The eyes are fixed on the luxury, with false shine. Something fleeting. Like an inmate who decides to decorate the cell where he serves the sentence. It is not something eternal.

In this trap many leave the Lord aside. They appeal to the famous plan B. They imagine that God can fail and start to trust the strength of their own arms, in a wrong attitude.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Coronavirus and the prophecies of Jesus Christ - 1

* Luís Alberto Alves

However, as Christians, we must be happy with everything that is happening. That's right, rejoice in the chaos that has installed itself in the world because of the advent of the coronavirus worldwide.

In the Word of God it is written that "the wisdom of God is folly for the wise". The more intelligent men are, the greater the degree of contestation of the Word of Jesus. They do not accept your domains.

To complicate matters, as few read the Bible, they end up being overcome by panic, they imagine that only Jesus can solve this problem. He can. Because all power is in your hands.

We should be if we rejoice in the Lord, for everything that happens in the world today. Looking at the spiritual world and understanding in depth the reasons for all this is happening.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

Coronavirus and the prophecies of Jesus Christ

* Luís Alberto Alves

Many are frightened by the damage caused by the coronavirus in several countries. Some Christians even say prayers crying out for God's mercy, so that this illness can be neutralized.

I agree that any disease scares, especially something deadly, where even our family can be affected. However, this moment is one of serenity. To trust the Lord. He's in control of everything.

But the emotion is strong. Some people despair. Imagining that they were abandoned by the master. That is, they are given to the lions to become a meal for these beasts.

It's not like this. Jesus remains in charge of everything. He knows where to take the boat of our life. Nothing is out of your control, even if things seem messy in our heads.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor