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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

segunda-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2018

Dear brothers, another year comes to an end

* Luís Alberto Alves

One more year comes to end. Every month I publish certain number of texts in this blog. The proposal is to build lives. I have readers in different regions of the world. They are in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and countries far from Asia.
Pastor Luís Alberto Alves

We all have fights. No one is superman or superwoman. We feel the thud of the wind of adversity in our lives. Sometimes comes the urge to throw everything up and run through the streets, in search of an answer that only Jesus Christ can give. 

But we must put our petitions into the hands of the Lord. Only He is able to solve problems in the spiritual sphere, where most of the battles occur. It is there that the angels sent by God defeat the demons of the forces of darkness.

This month is a moment of reflection. Think about the right things and the mistakes. What were the reasons why some actions went wrong, when everything worked together for the right set? And why do we let ourselves be led, for a few moments, to the wrong paths?

Embrace your family deeply. Look into the eyes of your son or daughter, mother or father, husband or wife. Let the luster of the love of Jesus Christ speak for you. The biggest and deepest sentences are said by the eyes, without uttering a single word.

I hope to have you, my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, in 2019. If you have time, pray for me and my family. Pastor and shepherd need prayer. We are at the forefront of this spiritual warfare and we feel in the soul the attack of the enemy.

When the 31st comes, stand up and pray thanking Jesus Christ for another year that He has given you and your family. Be grateful for everything. Also intercede for the people used by the Enemy to try to destroy you. You need to know Jesus Christ quickly.
Thank you and be all in the Peace of the Lord.
* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The Return of the Prodigal Son - 5

* Luís Alberto Alves

Unfortunately several young people left the Woodstock festival drug addicts. Life has been destroyed forever. The devil killed them slowly. Many girls became mothers and to kill the children's hunger went to prostitution. They plunged deeper into the abyss.

Spiritually, satan has several Woodstock festivals to offer to those who intend to leave the house of the Lord. Sell ​​the illusion that everything will be pink. Warn that rebellion is better than obedience. The breaking of rules is a sign of independence. And that Jesus Christ is evil.

My brother and sister do not leave the house of Jesus Christ. There, you are spiritually nourished to be strengthened and overcome difficulties. God will never want your ruin. Just happiness. Comfort when you're tired.

Stay in the house of the Lord. Pray and resist the devil. He will run away from you. If you are weak, ask for strength from Jesus Christ. Go to the hospital and visit patients in the ICU. Many are there because they came out of the Lord's hands to fall into the hairy, stinking arms of the devil.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The Return of the Prodigal Son - 4

* Luís Alberto Alves

When we are influenced by the devil, the church seems dull. Even praises lose their beauty through our eyes. Especially young people prefer the noise of the songs from here, with lyrics filled with lies, prostitution, defeats and praise for what is wrong, with nothing to build someone.

The good thing about life, in this case, is to stand for several hours at a rock show, sometimes stepping in the mud, facing dirty bathrooms, poor quality food and tiredness. All for a few hours of false joy. For whoever is performing there has nothing good to offer. Just more defeats.

In 1968, the Woodstock festival in 1969, held on a farm in Bethel, New York, attracted a crowd of young people. It was three days of supposed freedom. Under the rain that turned the place into a mire, sex was made, drank and used all kinds of drugs, including heroin.

The ground of the United States anthem, at the hands of guitarist Jimi Hendrix, considered one of the best in the world, in protest against the Vietnam war, coupled with drug doses, was the gunpowder of madness. Many imagined they were in the right place.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The Return of the Prodigal Son - 3

* Luís Alberto Alves

I remember a teenage colleague in the 1970s. A laughing haunt for all of us, because of the clothes he wore, he was the silly turms. No one took him seriously. For anything he caught up with his sisters. I was trampled by all.

At a birthday party, to gain the courage, he decided to smoke a marijuana cigarette. From that moment on, the devil entered his life. The foolish air turned to anger. For whatever reason he would go into the fray, despising the size of his adversary.

He entered the crime. He started stealing. One night, he assaulted a neighbor and stabbed him. Was arrested. In the jail, he ended up being raped by other inmates. It came out worse. In his face, there was no longer the air of innocence, which captivated us all.

A few years later I learned that he plunged deeply into the world of crime. He became a frequent guest of the prisons. I do not know how your life is today. Maybe he's not even with us any more. This example reveals what satan does when someone falls into his hands.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The Return of the Prodigal Son - 2

* Luís Alberto Alves

In this process, the house where we live or work, win for us, air of sadness. Nothing in there rejoices us. Even the delicious lunch or dinner, for our taste, does not taste good, as it did in the past. We find fault in everything. Even those we love.

It is the password for the process of leaving the house of Jesus. We are interested in the news offered by the world. It looks like everything out there is good. Even the wrong behaviors end up getting our support.

Two men or two women kissing inside a mall are not scandalous. But a mother showing her breast to breastfeed her son is shameful. The sublime loving act of quenching the baby's hunger is censored, but male or female homosexuality is correct, something God condemns, as it is written in 1 Corinthians, 6th chapter, 9th verse or Revelation chapter 21, verse 8.

Satan works subtly. It does not allow the person to see where he is entering. It shows the good side of being rebellious, living in an environment seemingly without rules and being able to do whatever goes in the head. The false freedom dream of consuming many people, especially young people.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The Return of the Prodigal Son - 1

* Luís Alberto Alves

Many people are fascinated by sin. Wrong seems to be better. Look at the behavior of some married people when they come across a well-healed man, straight belly, or the pretty woman with body and face, shapely, sexy legs. Soon in the mind, the devil shows that his wife or husband is ugly.

The characteristic of satan is to transform into beautiful what is spiritually ugly. It blinds the vision. Plant in the heart that the wrong is correct. How many men do not abandon their wives, those warriors of the bad hours, to hold all the bars, to take the helm of the boat when it was to sink. All for an adventure?

They go after the false beauty. Soccer players, singers and business executives always fall into this trap. Behind money and life without sacrifices, many young women enter into these relationships in search of financial independence, through a large alimony, leaving behind a destroyed marriage.

This is how darkness works by taking many Christians from the house of the Lord. The strategy is to blur the vision. Do not let the person notice the size of the hole you are entering. Uses others upset to reinforce the discourse that all is good. After all, you have to suffer to gain experience.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The Return of the Prodigal Son

* Luís Alberto Alves

It is famous the text that speaks of the prodigal son. In innumerable preaching God uses his servants to say that his home is better than the world out there. In a service I watched Jesus Christ use a pastor about this passage in another context.

Young people, because of their age, like novelty. To face challenges, putting aside the danger and embracing the false opportunities offered by life. How many do not leave their parents aside, calling them "faces" to live the good good out of here?

Some refuse advice. Because of the little information they get on social networks, they believe they already know everything and will be armed against the snares armed by the devil. How ingenuous! They despise the wheat to stand beside the chaff.

It's similar to the beginner on drugs. He thinks he can quit when he wants. They are tied up, lose everything and end up living in the streets, because of the shame of returning to their parents' house and taking the soap that should have heard the advice.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

domingo, 2 de dezembro de 2018

You Have a Haman Around - 2

* Luís Alberto Alves

The diabolical plots at first do not look wicked. The essence of evil has pleasant perfume. It is when the Christian falls into the trap like a bird for food forgetting the birdman's tie.

Mordecai perceived Haman's plot and warned Queen Esther of the danger she and the Jewish people were running from the face of the earth. Wisely, Esther fasted and then contacted the king, requesting a hearing. Then came the supper, where Haman's mask fell.

King Ahasuerus realized the deception and abused the evil quickly. These actions do not always happen in our lives. Sometimes we pay a high price for our disobedience and up front we realize how silly we were.

Therefore my brethren, pay attention to who is by your side and even drink and eat together with you. Where you least expect is the fatal blow. Pray and ask Jesus to reveal the hidden traps of darkness. Do not let Haman make your life a terror.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

You Have a Haman Around - 1

* Luís Alberto Alves

The mistake of many Christians is to despise the devil and his demons. They think they're a bunch of incompetents. It's not like this. Darkness works organized to blow up the servant of Jesus Christ. They watch us daily to find a way to enter our lives and finish the mission.

It is important that we keep our mouths. Be careful when you say something. Do not prophesy ruin to anyone, especially family members. When you are nervous, and realize that you will say some bullshit, leave the place quickly. The devil works by observing details.

Some mothers have a bad habit of cursing the sons of bandits, of garbage; the daughters of women at the end of the street, of vagabondas. Up ahead, when the demons make these prophecies realities, it's no use crying to try to reverse the situation.

With Mordecai, Haman did the same thing. He saw that he was close to Esther and worried about the king. Humbly, Haman induced the monarch Ahasuerus to sign a document, where the Jewish people would be exterminated.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

You have a Haman around

* Luís Alberto Alves

The true story of Queen Esther in the reign of the monarch Ahasuerus in Persia, today Iran, is known by several Christians. Bringing it to the spirit world, it shows how the devil works to destroy the servants of God.

The Haman, who planned to exterminate the Jewish people together with Esther and Uncle Mordecai, reveals that the Christian can not hesitate, deceived by the falsehood in the world. Especially at this time of year, when most of God's people lower their guard and satan feasts.

Unfortunately, for lack of wisdom, some Christians imagine that the devil comes on vacation, allowing us to breathe a little. Mistake. He is tireless. Throughout the year, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, darkness seeks to annihilate with the projects of Jesus Christ in our lives.

Now it attacks health, marriage, professional life, children, husband, wife, mother, father, friends or even finances. In the same way, the enemy seeks to find something to reach the servant of Jesus Christ. His business is to destroy us.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor