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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

quarta-feira, 19 de julho de 2017

Who is in Christ does not look back - 2

* Luís Alberto Alves

Unfortunately some people, because of the struggles and weakness of spirit, get cold. It is in this context that the warm enters. It is someone who was hot one day, preached the Word, evangelized, picked up microphone and sang praises, went out in the streets in search of the lost. For lack of spiritual accompaniment, and lack of knowledge of a life on the altar of the Lord, faith weakened. It has become lukewarm, for it still has moments of spiritual warmth, and then the temperature of the spirit falls.

Satan cleverly throws his fiery darts to attain vanity of people. It presents the world as something good and beautiful. It sells the idea that it is not necessary to wait for eternal happiness in Heaven. Through drugs and depraved sexual life there is the possibility of having good moments here on Earth. It is when he insists on the false logic of the festivals of this world, where wrong is right and wrong right. Again Jesus Christ, through James, chapter 4, verse 4, rebukes the devil when he says: "Do you know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever wants to be friends with the world becomes an enemy of God. "

The world of which Jesus speaks, are the evil customs adopted by the population. It is considered prostitution as a way of life. Crime as a way to make money. Drug addiction in search of peace and happiness. Sexual perversion in the search for pleasure to satisfy the desires of the flesh. If it rules as a rule of personal and professional conduct the bad as something good. To make matters worse, some Christians think they can serve God and the world. They are in the hands of the devil and imagine themselves free.

In Matthew, chapter 12, verses 43-45, the story of a man who was freed from an unclean spirit is described. But he hesitated and the demon came back bringing seven other spirits worse than he and the state of that person was worse than the beginning. The lime shovel is in 2 Peter, chapter 2, verses 20/22. In this text Jesus speaks of someone who got rid of the contaminations of the world through knowledge of the Word of the Lord, but returned to evil. The Lord says that this person should not even have known Him, because it is the same as the dog that returned to eat the vomit itself or the clean pig that has moved again in the lava to get dirty again.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Whoever is in Christ does not look back

* Luís Alberto Alves

It is sad for Jesus and for the servants of the Lord when the news of a brother or sister who resolves to return to the spiritual garbage dump from where one day came out to the light is revealed. This is common among artists, footballers or famous personalities. After some time they leave the presence of God to return to the martyrdom, disguised by satan of a false frame of light.

In a time of perverted gospel, with error taking the place of right, and people imagining that Jesus is their slave to serve all their desires, little is meditated on the Words of the Lord. Christ was emphatic in saying through Luke, chapter 9, verse 62 the following: "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the Kingdom of God."

We all have a past. Sometimes little merry or sad. There are brothers who suffered in childhood, others in adolescence, some went through despair as adults; At last the marks left a spat on the soul. When we are freed, we can never miss this time of horror. Christ wants us looking forward. But when it comes to artists, for example, they try to remember the time of success, ignoring the terror of drug addiction, of life attached to prostitution, and the agony of living without peace of mind.

The warning of Jesus Christ continues. In Revelation, chapter 3, verses 15 and 16, He says that "He knows our works, He knows when someone is neither cold nor hot. How best it would be if this person were cold or hot! For being warm, neither cold nor hot, He is about to spit it out of his mouth. " It is cruel to hear those words from God. Before the true conversion, all of us were cold. But by knowing the love of Christ we become warm.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

terça-feira, 18 de julho de 2017


* Luís Alberto Alves




-Love the next
Loving the enemy
-Reading the Word of God,
- Consecration,
-guarding the fortress (heart),
- fidelity,
Obedience to the shepherd


-The presence of the comforter Espirito Santo,
-The presence of God,
-Jesus Christ as Advocate,
24-hour security for Angels who will be camped around on duty, and in the end
eternal life.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

sexta-feira, 14 de julho de 2017

The wind

* Luís Alberto Alves

Wind can even carry the leaves, but never the roots.
It is God who sustains us and keeps us standing.
There is no wind capable of overthrowing whom God sustains and strengthens, and when the wind ceases it is God who renews the leaves and brings forth new and better fruits ... That is love, for God has such a beautiful way of protecting and loving us That we become tiny in the face of so much love.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

quarta-feira, 12 de julho de 2017

Differences between God and the Devil 4

* Luís Alberto Alves

This behavior is common in witchcraft, where people order death or accidents against those they dislike. In their hearts this is not wrong. They only pay with the same coin. They practice revenge when Jesus Christ does not recommend this type of action to the servants, but pray, as written in Romans, chapter 12, verse 14, by those who persecute us.

Kindness is detestable to Satan and his followers. Because it is one of the qualities of God. Already ruinous is one of the marks of those who follow the devil, through the millions of sects existing in this world. In the rules of darkness the essential thing is to put out the fire with gasoline, instead of throwing water. To do all that displeases Jesus Christ is to fall into the sympathy of Satan, for he will never take action to remember the love of God.

These details described above in this text reveal why people do not like to hear the Word of God. They judge to be lacking obedience to the commandments by determining for the Lord. Rebel will never like obedience.

 This will be the game of satan until the day of the great judgment, when he and his demons will enter hell and there they will remain for eternity. For now, it will continue to try (because Jesus Christ does not try anyone) millions of people to adopt their behavior to confront the Lord, selling the false idea that the pleasure of this world is better than that reserved by God in the Highest.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Differences between God and the devil 3

* Luís Alberto Alves

This is why polytheistic religions have the presence of several gods, called saints, as did the Greeks and Romans before the birth of Jesus Christ. Each one responds for something: Aphrodite for the Greeks would be the goddess of love, who encourages the relationship with several people, because she herself was lover of the gods Ares and Hermes.

In the case of the gods, whether Greek, Roman or African, they always stand contrary to the commandments of Jesus Christ. In the case of Zeus, who would be the leader of the gods, and who today would be, in the view of the polytheists, in the place of almighty God, had several lovers and extramarital affairs. In this type of society, people who are not Christians adopt the same conduct as those entities. Even your mistakes.

In witchcraft, the same hierarchy prevails, with the gods trying to parallel the kingdom of God. Hopefully, in the view of the supporters of umbanda, candomblé and other branches of spiritualism, it would be Jesus Christ, which is not true, because God does not share his glory with anyone. To deceive the naive, try to divide the hierarchy into good and bad spirits. But they all have various faults and commit crimes.

That is why people involved with this type of religion refuse the commandments of Jesus Christ. In their minds, error is something normal, because their gods do them and for what reason should not they do the same? Hate would be natural, because their gods, indeed demons, have this feeling against those who prevent them from doing something. It's a Manichaean thing. One side is good and the other is bad, so I must annihilate what causes me discomfort.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Differences between God and the Devil 2

* Luís Alberto Alves

In this spider's web people, without Christ in their hearts, become hostages of sick relationships, where they feel attraction for each other or else, but they can not stay together. Distant people miss and close is a pit of hatred, with physical and verbal arguments and aggressions. All in the style of darkness. What drives hell is hate, especially the work of God.

Compassion, which is to suffer together with someone, is something far from the view of satan. For people whose soul is held hostage by legions of demons, it is right to hit the next, preferably to draw blood or even life; To cause division among members of the same family through lies and gossip; To be selfish in every way, not to breach any kind of help to anyone, never to follow the commandments of Jesus Christ.

Whether in Judaism or Christianity, love and justice are present. That is why the junction of the Christian and Jewish faith is that it arouses anger in the worshipers of false gods. Judaism and Christianity are monotheistic religions. That is, they only believe in one God. Only to Him yield worship and praise.

In polytheistic creeds, the devil's finger appears in various forms. Because in the satanic cults are invoked the various demons that are part of the hierarchy of darkness. Because he can not be everywhere at once, as is the case with God, Satan sends evil spirits to do this dirty service and every one of them account for the evil deeds committed against human beings.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Differences between God and the Devil 1

* Luís Alberto Alves

In cult sects of foreign gods, killing one's neighbor is normal, as is stealing, adulterating, lying, honoring father and mother, committing all kinds of sexual immorality (homosexuality, lesbianism, sadomasochism, pedophilia, necrophilia Corpses), zoophilia (sexual intercourse with animals), various types of rebelliousness, strife, intrigue and any actions of an evil nature.

As we read Galatians, chapter 5, verses 19/23, Jesus makes it clear what are the fruits of the Spirit, or what pleases him in the life of a Christian, freed and converted in truth: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness , Goodness, faithfulness, meekness, and self-control. Comparing with the devil, what he is fond of is hatred, sorrow, agony, despair, lack of love, selfishness, infidelity, agitation, and emotional discontent.

While God is family, Satan defends the gathering of people when one relates to various partners or partners without any commitment or respect. It values ​​pleasure as its principal, leaving respect and companionship in the background. Act this way because pleasure is temporary. It induces people into this type of behavior, which can not be liked by anybody and have an existence on the margins of society.

Subtly, the devil induces this type of behavior through the media, mainly television, movies and also the internet. Through songs, put letters that speak of situations where being loving is something grimy and tacky. The important thing is to enjoy the present without any concern for the future.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Differences between God and the devil

* Luís Alberto Alves

Sometimes we fall into the trap that the devil can do something good. Especially when we face fights. Is not true. God and the devil are opposites. Satan will always do the opposite of the Lord, even if he uses beautiful wrapping and appears before our eyes as if it were a loving action.

First, God is love and righteousness, as written in the book of Isaiah, chapter 64, verse 4. When we take Satan from this angle, Satan can never love anyone, because he is hate, opposite God. The Lord came to build, the enemy to put down any beautiful work to glorify the name of Jesus Christ.

Equally political, the devil seeks to disguise his bad intentions, presenting a garb, which seems good in our eyes. This is the case of the principle of Talion, "Eye for eye, tooth for tooth." In the vision of the enemy of our souls, revenge is a good thing. It is to pay with the same coin, when someone commits us the bad.

This is the opposite logic of Jewish / Christian thinking. Apart from this, idolatry is normal, making sacrifices to strange gods (in Satanism children are killed and offered to the devil for fame, power and wealth), not to obey any commandment that has a connection with God.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

sexta-feira, 7 de julho de 2017

It is in the ordeas that we grow / 5

* Luís Alberto Alves

Depending on where you are reading this article, a dollar, pound, yen, ruble, peseta, weight or dinar will have little importance in your life. But when hunger comes and unemployment keeps you company, that derisory amount of money will seem like a fortune in the purchase of a meager piece of bread.

So reflect a lot on the chapter of James. Look at your life and see if it really serves God or is just an impostor disguised as a Christian in the search unbridled for some kind of blessing. You can deceive me, but from the Lord's eyes you will never be able to escape, even if you are in the most distant country on this planet Earth. The Lord knows how to find you. It is better to convert and learn from the wise words of Jesus Christ. This is also proof of wisdom.

The problem is to know how many wish to be wise. The mistake of several people is the attachment to money. They dive headlong into this river thinking that when they die they will bring fortunes to the afterlife. They develop a hallucinatory rhythm of life, abandoning the words of God, thinking only of the fattening of the checking account.

Few stop and think about the lifestyle of Solomon, one of the richest and most powerful men who has ever passed through this world. He himself knows how illusory is the fortune that comes to some. Power is ephemeral as well. It is transitory. It never stays in the same hand for a long time. The same smoke soon disappears.

Several millionaires take their own lives when faced with great ordeal. One of them is the loss of money in the Stock Exchange. Even though they are still wealthy, it is an affront for them to let a few million disappear through the fragile stream of stocks. Within the Christian churches, all is well while the heat of probation has not come. When it melts pride and vanity, few remain in this race and easily let the crown of life fall to the ground.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

It is in the ordeal that we grow / 4

* Luís Alberto Alves

We can not fall into the error that in serving Jesus Christ, everything will be a sea of ​​roses, we will not have difficulties and the problems will be solved quickly. God has his own style of working. In silence, it does not mean that he is indifferent to the pain of his servants. The problem is that the human being likes to rush the process. It requires the Lord to go out and solve the matter.

Unfortunately there are few Christians who understand these words written and left by James. They also act like ostriches, trying to bury their heads in the ground, thinking that they will escape the trials. They exist to show how low or how high our faith is. Otherwise, the Christian would have disappeared from the churches. Many go to God in the desperate search for blessing. They never desired to receive the blessing in their hearts.

As a pastor, I am disappointed with people who act this way. For me they are mercenaries. They act only to gain financial and sentimental advantages. They never had a serious commitment to the Lord. They imagine that they can use God, as they do here in this rotten world in professional, personal, and even ministerial relationships.

If James were alive today, he would be open-mouthed with the kind of Christians in the churches today. Few seek to behave in ethical standards. They take pleasure in sin and feel no bit of shame. For this vast majority the church is just a meeting point, just like shopping malls, where many exhibit the new clothing or even the newly purchased car.

They do not know how much they can learn in times of trial. Six years ago when I went through the desert of hunger, I learned to value the little. When our refrigerator (by the way, I am going to publish a book with the curious name of "empty refrigerator", where I describe the details of this test to which it has been submitted), it finds itself with nothing inside, when we decide to look upwards, in search of the divine help of Jesus Christ.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

It is in the ordeal that we grow / 3

* Luís Alberto Alves

People feel angry at those who are still honest, like what is right. In countries of Muslim faith, Christians are killed, churches burned, women raped and children decapitated. The communist nations (China, Vietnam and Cuba) are not behind in this sad aspect of violence. Missionaries die when the authorities find out they preach the Word of the Lord.

In large corporations and universities, evangelicals are humiliated. Radical labels, just because they obey what is written in the Bible, live moments of solitude. So many men and women face the same difficulties. In the vision of this world, which lies in the evil one, good people are those who pass over the commandments written by God.

It is at this moment that the Christian needs to look up, where the Lord lives, to ask for wisdom and his sweet companionship. Life in the spirit world is considered a drop of dew when compared to eternity. So the few bad moments that the Christian goes through, that he or she never lose sight of the end of the race, where the great walk of eternity begins, in a place where God reigns supreme.

Our body will return to the dust, from which we leave one day, and the Spirit, created by God, returns to the hands of the creator. Catch the good fight. Do not be sad or disheartened with the fights. They will serve to make you stronger and more prepared. The important thing is to keep the crown of life firmly on the head. Do not trade it for nothing in this world. Everything here is fleeting. Eternity exists only in Heaven. It is worth marching and being part of this wonderful Army, whose general is Jesus Christ, who never lost and will never lose any battle.

God is the supreme commander who will never leave a warrior of his troops on the battlefield. He rescues, heals the wounds and keeps him standing. In moments of fierce battle, when you feel your strength fading slowly, pray to the Lord and ask Him to strengthen you. From the high heavens he will send the aid quickly, and everything will be well again. In the past, James wrote these recommendations to the 12 tribes of Israel. Today, these words are for all of us who accept Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

It is in the ordeal that we grow / 2

* Luís Alberto Alves

It is not easy to keep Christian ideals facing difficulties, especially with the threat of losing one's life. But James, used by God, brought this message to the people of Israel, so that he might ask the Lord for wisdom when he had to face the evil day; Moment that few friends are next to the servant of God.

Bringing it to the present day, James' words warn the church about the bad times the Christian will have to face, without letting the crown of life fall to the ground. In a world where honesty is synonymous with idiocy, love is carefree and worshiping God is a sign of madness, only Christians filled with the anointing to continue standing, fighting the good fight, visualizing the future in the Heavens.

But the servants of the Lord must never forget that trials increase our dependence on God. After all, it is in times of great difficulty that we look at Jesus Christ, we ask for the strength and wisdom to overcome the challenges that are terrible for us.

In these moments we should never throw in our garbage our honesty and commitment to the Lord. Even though we feel the heat of the enemy's attack on our skin, we need to keep the faith that God is with us, watching over us. In fact, He never leaves an abandoned servant. Instead hold firmly in your hands to help you on the hike.

These few verses of chapter 1, written by James, are important to understand the reason for so much tragedy that happens in this world, seeking to take the life of the Christian, as well as seeking, at all costs, to divert him from the path to Heaven. The world has never been so depraved as in this century.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

It is in the ordeal that we grow / 1

* Luís Alberto Alves

The apostle James, brother of Jesus Christ, and leader of the Jerusalem church, wrote in chapter 1, verses 1 to 6, warning the 12 tribes of Israel that temptations would come, but that they would be strong maintaining honesty and running the race Stipulated by Jesus Christ, being careful not to drop the crown of life from the head.

We need to pay close attention to this detail: ordeal! Today, Christians do not like the gospel that speaks of ordeal, that is, of the struggles they will have to face in order to enter Heaven. They worship the gospel of ease, where all is permitted, not a mistaken view that God overlooks sin. Worse: they reversed the word when Jesus said he loves the sinner, but they feel the disgust of sin.

It was not in vain that the Lord told the sinner to go to church the way he is, plunged into the mire of error and iniquity, but that he did not remain in that situation. Change for the better, being a new creature. In this text, James warns the 12 tribes of Israel about the future of that nation. Even under a lot of fighting and destruction, they would not leave honesty aside.

Alerted by the Holy Spirit, James knew that after his death in 62 AD, eight years later Jerusalem would be destroyed by the Roman army, with the majority of the population slain by the sword, crucified, women raped, children and old men annihilated, and the city under rubble .

The terror implanted by the Romans was so great that the few survivors spread throughout the world in the movement known as diaspora. They wandered for 1878 years until the return to Israel as territory. In this period they suffered enough in the hands of other people. Four years before the return to homeland, 6 million Jews were charred in the Nazi ovens in World War II.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

terça-feira, 4 de julho de 2017

Jesus summons defective parts

* Luís Alberto Alves

The manufacturer of all human beings is summoning the manufactured parts, regardless of the brand or year, due to a serious defect in the main and central component of the heart, occurred in the original units called Adam and Eve, after misuse of the series item called Free Arbitration, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units.

This defect was technically referred to as SIN (Weakened Part with Anomalies Detected in the Original), whose main symptom is: loss of moral judgment. (Integrity).

Other symptoms:

(A) prostitution,
B) impurities,
C) lasciviousness,
D) idolatry,
E) witchcraft,
F) enmities,
G) strikes,
H) jealousy,
I) iras,
J) discord,
K) dissensions,
L) factions,
M) envy
N) bebedices,
O) gluttony
P) among other similar things.

The manufacturer, just out of love, provides repair and service, free of charge, to fix the SIN problem.

Contact with the manufacturer is: via PRAYER.

The password is: In the name of Jesus

When connected, delete the SIN executable using the

Then load the NEW CREATURE program into Christ Jesus.

No matter the size of the defect SIN, NEW PERSONALITY will replace it with:

The. Love
B. Joy
w. Peace
D. Long-suffering
and. Benignity
F. Goodness
G. Loyalty
H. Meekness
I. Own domain

Please see the instruction manual, Holy Bible, for more details. Based on John 3:16

Important warning:

Continuing to operate the human unit uncorrected, voids the manufacturer's warranty, exposing the owner to too many hazards and problems for a listing and the human drive will be permanently picked up from the market !!! Marcos. 16: 17-18.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor