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Luís Alberto Alves
* Luís Alberto Alves
When we look at the Bible, we realize that many important moments of Christianity occurred in the mountains. We took the example of Moses. God gave him the tablets of the Ten Commandments on a hill, where he was in the Lord's company for 40 days and 40 nights.
The Abraham's faith was tested in Moriah, when he took the son of promise, Isaac to offer a burnt offering to the Lord. The long walks, he did not trust in God. Also a lot, Elijah defeated the 850 prophets of Baal, Jezebel doormats.
Another important lot in the history of Christianity is of Olives, where Jesus Christ made the final prayer before being arrested hours later to end up crucified on the cross. But what is the lot of symbolism? This discussion today yields controversy in churches.
As a Pentecostal Christian, what is your willingness to pray in this kind of place? Go to with joy or just to meet a ritual? When you pray a lot, really empty or only utters empty words without any value before God? It takes you to review their positions on this subject.
* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor
* Luís Alberto Alves
The most disputed place in a church is the pulpit, especially in full membership services. It is the showcase for ego satisfaction. At election time, wrong, some denominations invite politicians, most often, corrupt and full of sin, to bring the Word.
Within certain evangelical churches, the power struggle is fierce. The target of attention is disputed. There are pastors, bishops and reverends who dispute the place to slap. They want their moment of fame to kill vanity seat. Usually they never bring something edifying.
There are churches where ever this space is given to anyone. The pastor or the local bishop always do the preaching. Never let someone else take his place. Ali vomits rules and even advice that Jesus Christ never happened to anyone. What counts is to take the place of fame.
In fact, what is at stake is the moment of fame. It is seen by many people, without question. After all during the preaching of the pastor or bishop are not interrupted. They talk more than an hour, sometimes words without any content and harmony with God.
* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor
* Luís Alberto Alves
Because of the open wounds in the past, it is common for some Christians to leave the heart full of desire for revenge. Especially when questions relating to marital separation. Is a woman or man, still carry within themselves the will to do justice.
I notice certain sisters praying to Jehovah down his hands on the head of ex-husband who exchanged them for another. The prayers, intentions are visible to see the other hang, in, their view, pay for the suffering that they made.
I understand. It is easy to forget the pain of betrayal, for example. Or even the humiliation of suffering leaving because of faith. Need to work like a slave to sustain the children and keep the finances on time. Or even someone left side, he fell ill.
When we left everything in the hands of Jesus Christ, our great master knows how to handle every situation. God's justice is perfect. Not arrive before or after, but at the right time. Nobody cheats. People are free to plant, but required to participate in the harvest. Sometimes bad.
* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor
* Luís Alberto Alves
When I converted to Christianity in 1996, I imagined that within the evangelical churches not find proud. Only charitable people, interested in the welfare of others. The mistake. Gradually I saw the claws out of lambskin wolves.
Some sisters owe nothing to those not professing the Christian faith. Or look on your face, especially when they are the car steering wheel zero kilometer and designer clothes. They try to sit away from the worst dressed man brothers to avoid contamination with excessive faith.
Before the cult love to talk loudly saying he bought the last phone model, traveled to the coveted beach of the Pacific, shopped in Paris, skied in the Swiss Alps, attended the Indianapolis 500.
As a pastor I view this very behavior. Are people infected with the virus pride. They are distant from the love of Jesus Christ. They imagine themselves saved, but walk briskly toward hell. In the army of Jesus Christ there is no place for proud.
* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor
*Luís Alberto Alves
Satan is investing heavily in recruiting young people to fill your home: hell. Every time there are new synthetic drugs. Sexual perversions condemned by God in the book of Leviticus every day turns into fashion.
The wrong takes the place of right and society dominated by the evil applauds, despising the right. Parents right find her daughter sleeping and having sex with her boyfriend in the house. Instead of showing that this is not right in the sight of Jesus Christ, accept the error.
This same kind of parent, most often, reproves their children to participate in church activities related to praise. The most radical say there is no place for listening to gospel music, but the Word. But no praise is preaching lecture. Christian does not need to talk.
It is preferable the young dancing and singing in the church, in praise of Jesus Christ, than to remain in the dances performed by the world where there is no lack drugs and prostitution and even deaths shot. Finally many parents are lacking in wisdom. They pay to see the evil hold of their children.
* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor
* Luís Alberto Alves
Circulating on the Internet a video of a pseudo pastor stating that there is no need for temples to gather. Just having the company of a pasture anointed for the work to be done. Worse, for convenience many lost sheep, adepts of the lack of commitment embark this canoe stuck.
In the same footprint that individual suggests the anointing of the family, demanding that the woman with marital problems disrobe and receive the anointing oil on the body to bring her husband back and wedding catering. Another absurdity totally unbiblical.
Currently there are several cases where false shepherds suggest behaviors that have no connection with the teachings of Jesus Christ. They are wolves in sheep's clothing, only interested in money these poor victims who despair topam do any negotiations to obtain the blessing.
Because of such people, the gospel of Christ went on to found several barriers in several countries. Are irresponsible littering the name of God. Demons disguised as angels of light. Theirs is advisable to escape, if possible not hold or touch.
* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor
* Luís Alberto Alves
It may seem silly, but there is nervous Christian with God, especially new converts. Accustomed to the facilities of the world, imagine that the Kingdom of God all work this way. They ask today and today receive, without any sacrifice.
Accustomed to the world, where any means serves as justification to get to the end, the same rule shall apply in relation to Jesus Christ. They realize that is not how it works in the hands of the Lord. He gives the blessing at the right time.
It is newly converted novelty leaving the church after short stay. Their intention is to win everything quickly and then fall in the world. But no one can fool our God. He knows what is hidden in the corners of our hearts.
For you can reach the blessings of God reserved for you, to pay price of prayer, fasting and rather communion with God. One of the most important steps is to set aside anxiety. Stop rushing Jesus Christ, he knows the right time to deliver what is yours. Just rest.
* Luís Alberto Alves
* Luís Alberto Alves
Time goes fast and many Christians remain lying. They do not seek to put feet, as did the prophet Ezekiel when the Lord said he would talk to him. Jesus Christ does not catch any dialogue with anyone lying, steeped in sloth, the self-indulgence.
To win our battles we need to stand feet. So you can see the enemy and find strategies to win. David to take down the giant Goliath was feet. Laying eventually crushed by it and the Bible story would have another approach.
But the big problem is the Christian wishes to stay out of bed. Many today like to remain lying down, dipped in sleep imposed by Satan without any willingness to do the work of God They love spending time with nonsense. Without any building.
It is time, like the great warriors, to hear the instructions of our great Master Jesus Christ. We look at him and we take possession of the lessons that could change the lives of many people, now immersed in darkness. Get out of this sleep and keep your feet.
* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor
* Luís Alberto Alves
Today is very large number of false worshipers in evangelical churches around the world. Most open your lips to praise the Lord, but the heart remains far from the sanctuary. They go to church as if it were mandatory. They prefer the streets where sin reigns.
Some hate the old hymns, such as "In fervent prayer," known in the Christian harp by the number 577. They like the current gospel songs, clichés of floods and poor rhymes, no anointing. Only hysterical screams of failed worldly singers and now believe that they are Christians.
It is visible the amount of liars worshipers inside the churches. Few can follow the worship team at the beginning of services. They prefer to navigate the social networks interested in the pleasures that Satan lives to offer. Worship God, who sent His only Son to die for them, is in the background.
Worse, these false worshipers are those who charge more Jesus Christ to fulfill some promise. Want luxury cars and the year, live in mansions, earn high salaries, travel to beautiful islands in the Pacific or Indian. Stay with the Lord, to do his work is impossible in view of these mercenaries of faith.
* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor
* Luís Alberto Alves
We live in a time of overall hurry. Everything needs to be resolved quickly, whether in the family, at school, at work, at church and Jesus Christ. Nothing is yesterday. People pray at 9 am and two minutes start to charge the Lord concerning the solution of that problem.
Today's teens are different from my stage that enjoyed in 1975, when he was adorable 15 years. I was raised to be content with little to later enjoy a lot. Not so today. We have a superconsumista generation.
Nothing the content. Not even the peace of a harmonious home. Live looking for scabies to scratch. They are looking for problems where none exist. During the meetings in disobeys church liturgy, talk, surf on social networks, the background leave the strong meat of the Word.
We must understand that our agitation will never rush Jesus Christ. His time is not our. Know and reserve the best to your servants. Lower the speed of your goals and objectives. Learn to fly down. Never forget: the cemeteries are full of hasty and nervous people.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor
* Luís Alberto Alves
Our mind is attacked daily by the devil. A frequent bombing. He suggests adultery, robbery, theft, crimes or even stop serving God. Creates images of someone you know and places flash of how your life would be around that person.
For women, the displays in the minds of men, they bare, suggesting it would be like a sexual relationship. The show unclothed or even well sexy lingerie. Daily attacks to try to remove the Christian track where he learned to walk beside Jesus Christ to.
Astute, the enemy of our souls just shows us how good and tasty sin. If you are someone who pray little and has short intimacy with Jesus Christ can not resist these dishes, beautiful on the outside and horrible inside.
In two decades of gospel I witnessed many fellow Christians give in to attack the evil and change the glory for a few minutes of pleasure next to someone used to the devil. They fell and in a rose. They took anger of the Lord's church and away from the paths of light. So be wise and watch your thoughts.
* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor
* Luís Alberto Alves
It is common in prayers hear someone promising the impossible to Jesus Christ, if cured of a deadly disease. Others say they will do the impossible to the Lord. Of course, under strong emotion, the human being begins to speak of things, most often without logic.
Today, because of advances in technology, many false Christians think they can deceive God. Supported the false security offered by social networks, invite Jesus Christ to something that they have no power of the size of the notion of our great teacher.
Young people, hear curious proposals. They promise to evangelize in terrible countries where Islam punishes with death anyone who dares to say that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and not Mohamad, the prophet founder of this religion. They are proposed without any connection. Surreal.
No one will ever fool God. For his intelligence is infinite. It is beyond our imagination. It is the same as an ant trying to measure strength with the elephant. Or hatchling trying to escape the wrath of the Eagle, flying swiftly toward the prey. Keep your feet on the floor my brother or sister.
* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor
* Luís Alberto Alves
Listen praise is good, I never had any doubts. But in recent years I realized that many people go to evangelical churches not to hear the Word of God, but only indulge in music. When it comes time preaching, resolve to leave the cult side.
Young people make it clear to hear the pastor preach is very annoying. Some say that's enough sermon received from parents at home. In the church they intend to just enjoy the fun. If the praises follow the line of Black Music and Rock and Roll, the business is more serious.
We must address this issue seriously. No one can go to God's house just to listen to music, because there is no show house. It is a place of worship to the Lord in anything looking like artistic performances Arena. Incidentally praise group can not receive the name of music group.
Although the gospel has been so troubled that in some time the preaching of churches is summed up in a few minutes, opening huge room for the songs. I hope that from today you can go to church to hear God speak through the pastor, not just listen to music.
* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor
* Luís Alberto Alves
We must content ourselves with the best of Jesus Christ in our lives. What is the best for you? You have an imported car? A beautiful house on the beach? Job to earn high salary? Enter the college of your dreams? Marry the most beautiful woman of your neighborhood or marry with great servant of the Lord?
Anyway, what's your best? You would be able to lay before Jesus Christ something great that would ask Him in fervent prayer? As humans are limited. We are used to measure in the lives of others. Few of us have good insight to refined taste.
Imagine Jesus Christ before you, talking to you and saying he was there to hear your best. How would react to such a situation? I would be shy, cry or smile to ask the impossible to become possible?
God will always have the best for their children. Sometimes we exaggerate the dose and imagine that the crumb is what he will deliver. No my brother. Jesus Christ, according to their faith, put in your life, the best in every way. Just keep your faith up.
* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor
* Luís Alberto Alves
Much is made of the number of the beast, the chip would be implanted in the hand of the people during the reign of the Antichrist, as described in the Book of Revelation. Some Christians think that time is still distant. I regret to inform you, it is here and you have not noticed.
Several banks currently use the fingerprint as signature cards to drive current account. Companies replaced by digital clocking for the employee to confirm their presence at work and mobile phones that have adopted the same procedure for the appliance.
God told the prophet Daniel, in chapter 12, which at the end of time, He would expand human knowledge. Today we live in this phase. Someone would live now without the internet? You leave the house without taking the phone, the notebook? How many times have you consulted Google today?
Blind is not who does not see, but the person who insists not to see what is before their eyes. For lack of Bible reading, many misinterpret the book of Revelation. The enemy, with the permission of the Lord, handles the technology to their advantage, long ago. So it's time to turn to Jesus Christ and obey his commandments.
* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor