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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2016

There is communion between light and darkness in the churches?

* Luís Alberto Alves

There is no doubt about the spread of the Gospel in various regions of the world. But the cost is high. Various names, some renowned and decades and centuries, allied to the world of darkness to succeed and benefits, leaving in the background the counsels of God.

An example of this occurs in the United States, mainly in the south, with part of the Baptist church turning hand in glove with the Freemasons. In this baleful society, the Word of Jesus Christ suffered misrepresentations, turning right into wrong and vice versa.

In Latin America the same practice was repeated. The dome of the church was not ashamed to join forces with the rulers, seeking hunks of power. The absurdity reached such level that the pulpit of the temples served as a place of political preaching.

The error of these leaders is to imagine that the Lord can be fooled. Portion of these false prophets contaminated with wanes wisdom of theology thinks they can go over the orders of Jesus Christ. They will pay high price, even here in this world.

* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2016

It is easy to do God's work today?

* Luís Alberto Alves

When we read the story of the early church, especially in the book of Acts, and witness the love, care, delivery and solidarity between the brothers, we stayed with a cheerful heart. They were the Lord's will. There were no barriers. Everything was for the Kingdom of God.

The passing of the centuries changed the rules to preach the Gospel. Currently, most evangelical churches work in a hierarchy similar companies. To the call of preaching the Word in needy someone's house must pass the scrutiny of the authorities of that congregation.

It is opposite the time of the first apostles. The commitment of these was with Jesus Christ. Doing the will of the master. But the time was in charge of creating mechanisms to curb the gospel of the Lord. Sometimes not even the Holy Spirit is free to act within the churches.

I say without fear of contradiction: today it is difficult to do the work of God. Man, through its bureaucratic rules, ended up throwing cold water on the fire to win souls for Jesus Christ. It fell into the mistake of thinking that the gospel must be preached in the temple, instead of bringing the Word on the streets. It is very sad this situation.

* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

segunda-feira, 18 de abril de 2016

Book character "The son of fire" near the presidency of Brazil

* Luís Alberto Alves

In late 1990 a book was published in Brazil called "The Son of Fire," which described the underworld of Satanism. How to recruit supporters for the team of Satan, indoctrinated and then infiltrated in evangelical churches to destroy them.

Composed of two volumes, the work served to show that the children of darkness are wiser than the light. They never arrive causing scandals, wearing black clothes, wearing long beards and wearing boots up to half the cinnamon.

Initially they are tame and to collaborate for the preaching of the Gospel, until the time of annihilating that church. All quickly and effectively without arousing suspicion. Many Christians sleep. They do not pray or watch, just score points in the services.

One of the characters in the book was known as Marlon, who in the early 1990s admitted that would reach the presidency of Brazil, it was still a federal deputy. Priest in the brotherhood (so called Satanism among the initiated), knew how to handle the bad. The day provided by him began to arrive with approval of the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff (PT).
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

sexta-feira, 15 de abril de 2016

Anxiety reveals a lack of trust in God

* Luís Alberto Alves

Anxiety is a lack of trust in God's promises. It is present in different phases of life. When young people do not believe that we have a bright future. We wish grow quickly, reaching the age of 18 and be masters of our own nose, ignoring advice from parents.

Youth season, hormones torture our mind. We adhere to the speed thesis. Everything has to happen fast. None expected. Especially when it comes to God. By spiritual ignorance we begin to doubt the effectiveness of the Lord.

It is the anxiety dominating the heart. Puts the Christian mind that you need to see and then believe, when it is okay otherwise. Because of this behavior lose many blessings. We must never distrust the promises of the Lord. They meet.

The best remedy to combat anxiety is to deliver our problems in the hands of Jesus Christ. Our master knows how to solve them. His immense wisdom finds solutions that we never thought of. From the moment that anxiety loses space in the heart, the blessing comes.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

quarta-feira, 13 de abril de 2016

Look at the target: Jesus Christ!

* Luís Alberto Alves

In the midst of so many struggles, we sometimes forget to keep looking to Jesus Christ. We watched the battles, betrayals, hatred, gossip and all kinds of evil that plagues the lives of people who have chosen to serve the Lord with all your heart.

It's like street racing, where you can not be looking back, but always focusing on the vision forward at the finish line a few kilometers. Few people can pay attention to this vital detail. Waste time on negative actions.

Man must never lose days or years with activities without any value in the sight of God. If you got up early and his wife, before giving you good morning, we have begun to complain to you, ignore it. Do not miss the peace. Continue looking for the best of Jesus Christ.

Even during the fights, never lose focus. Your eyes need to keep looking for God in the crowd problems. His great and powerful light just to comfort and enlighten the heart. By doing so you can get strength and continue in the race that the Lord proposed to each of us.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

terça-feira, 12 de abril de 2016

We are in the time of Christian individualism

* Luis Alberto Alves

We live in an age of strong individualism in the church of Jesus Christ. People only care about themselves. Interest only to the possible achievements that the Lord can pour on them. Others stay enjoying your sorrows and frustrations.

Few remember the verse where God guides us that we should "rejoice with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep." Currently the cry of our brother in faith is page turns. The important thing is to look at their navels.

Sometimes a pastor can not discern where there is more individualism among young people or adults. All, exceptionally, surfing on the same sea: the pride. Not pray for another within the church can. They think only in their own blessings.

The conclusion of this situation shows the cooling of love. Solidarity is forgotten word in various denominations. Good aim is in the attic, valued in millions of Ferrari or McLaren, beach house, farm and money in the account. Reminder: God does not like proud. Who thought so was cast out of heaven.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

segunda-feira, 11 de abril de 2016

What intensity of their faith?

* Luís Alberto Alves

What is the strength of their faith? In good times you remember God and when it comes the dark days? His reaction is to continue believing or play it all away? Gives way to the enemy to come in and finish munch all that was built by the Lord?

I always say that you are measured by faith. No matter the situation. Because when it looks like the sea in sunny day, it is easy to believe in the existence and power of Jesus Christ, but when the scene is dark with everything falling on your back is a different story.

Man is molded to believe in the good times. Is easy. It's like walking down the street, with engine off; Now push the car on the way up, the story is different. It requires effort and dedication. How many people are prepared for moments of such intensity.

I say without fear of error: Your faith will know when the hurricane hit on your door and turn your life upside down and you run the same top. Because it is easy to believe in God at ease. The difficulty is cruel, because your skills will be tested on the edge. With Jesus on your side, you win.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2016

Arrogance despises greatness of the Lord

* Luís Alberto Alves

human arrogance will not let man contemplate the greatness of the Lord. Just earn a reasonable income, to start enjoying the world's luxuries, for pride to dwell in the heart. Imagine the owner of the block with the right to do what you want.

At no time thinking about the grace of God that keeps him alive and away from the clutches of evil. Despises the love of Jesus Christ. The important thing is to enjoy the illusory pleasures offered by the enemy. Whether male or female, both act in a similar way.

When we analyze the past of corrupt and white-collar thieves, we found that many of them were once the house of the Lord. They worshiped Him, had the joy of spending long hours with the Father. But came to fame and with a lot of money.

Soon disappeared from the presence of Jesus Christ. They chose the short road to perdition, where most of the time the money is used as bait. They bit the hook and do not realize they are trapped. Many will enter hooked abyss. There will be too late to cry unto the Lord.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

quarta-feira, 6 de abril de 2016

You run away or goes hand in hand with sin?

* Luís Alberto Alves

Sin is still a thorny issue to address within today's evangelical churches. Most members consider intrusion into their privacy. They cling to the free will theory to what they consider normal even when it is abnormal.

For young people, sin is common. They would otherwise be excluded from groups in social networks. Fear of taking the stamp of faces or exceeded leads them to commit acts harmful to the rules of the Lord. Especially in the end of year festivities.

Some like sin because of the pleasure. They love to repeat the dose. Who frequents brothels is seen drunk in the arms of beautiful prostitutes body and face. Pay for those moments of pleasure and leave aside the Lord's counsel.

A good rule is to stay away from sin. It leads you to hell. The evil is smart. Copper beautiful cake filled with garbage. Will never say that to err against God can be the path to the abyss. It emphasizes that life is short and should be exploited, despising eternity.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2016

You sell your soul for success?

* Luis Alberto Alves

In this dog world, people live chasing success at all costs. Whether at work, school, family or even in marriage. The important thing is to show up in the first place, making selfies as testimony to be in great local fame.

The artists enter this crazy gallery. Pay any price to appear on television shows, characters become movies or novels, win trophies and money. The hard path of effort is replaced by the easy trail.

Unsurprisingly singers who slept with most record executives to join the select celebrity team. Others invoke evil spirits in exchange for fame. Literally they sell their souls to the enemy, leaving aside the Lord's promises.

Forget that in this world everything is fleeting, even life. Nothing is eternal. Everything passes, but the words of Jesus Christ. When they see the dead end where they entered, it may be too late to return to the arms of the Father. So think carefully before entering into pacts with Satan.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

segunda-feira, 4 de abril de 2016

The only woman in 99 years to win a son

* Luis Alberto Alves

Sometimes I wonder how much humans limits the power of God. The measure by the instruments used in this sinful world. I believe that some problems can not be solved by him. The challenge, for example, the open door employment in a company without any merit on the market.

Others ask to find mechanisms to destroy the loneliness of never find anyone to a good marriage. Also they ask for help and doubt that Jesus Christ go solve financial problem of minor.

As a pastor I analyze these cases and understand how the Christian limits the power of God. They do not take seriously someone who could make a woman with 99 years to get pregnant and give birth to a perfect child. Without any kind of illness, especially mental.

In this miracle, the Lord remade Sara's reproductive organ. She returned to menstruating and had his body strengthened to support the 12-month pregnancy. It is only the case of a woman who took 12 months to generate your child in the womb. Only our God to do something so big.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

sexta-feira, 1 de abril de 2016

On April Fool's Day remains true

* Luis Alberto Alves

Today (April 1) the day of the lie is considered in many countries. The date is chosen to distort the truth at any cost, selling the idea that lying is something natural. Forget the commandment of the Lord, when He says not to speak false witness.

For many people, lying is not considered a bad thing. They do this naturally in any situation. They use this device even indoors. The husband mind to wife and vice versa; the children use it to escape the wrath of parents. Anyway, all natural.

Now the true Christian can not condone this mud. You need to continue to love the truth. As the father of lies is Satan. Since the beginning of the world this is a rule adopted by the evil. Criminals act so to escape the weight of divine justice.

It is difficult to defend the true today because the world is plunging into corruption in error and all that is bad. Honesty is now synonymous with bullshit. Someone who defend these principles is seen as alien, out of tune with the direction of the world where the evil lies.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor