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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

terça-feira, 13 de agosto de 2024

God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility


Luís Alberto Alves

According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are other types of sterility. Businessmen, even those who are skilled and have great knowledge of their market, can never get out of the rut of a negative balance in their cash book.

In the sports field, there are excellent soccer, volleyball and basketball players who have never felt the sweet taste of wearing the national team jersey, much less lived the wonderful experience of participating in the Olympic Games.

The world of music is full of artists, male and female singers with beautiful voices, but they never took off. Even though they recorded refined albums, success eluded them, trapping them in the terrible prison of oblivion.


Life is full of people locked in the prison of sterility, even those endowed with great knowledge and vast experience. In the Bible, the testimony of the Word of God, some people are described as sterile, in a society where women unable to get pregnant were classified as cursed.

However, our God, creator of Heaven and Earth, and everything that exists in the invisible and visible world, is a master at transforming a scene of sterility into a landscape of fertility. After all, He does not know the word impossible, which only exists in the dictionaries of men.

The book of Genesis, 21, 2-7, tells the story of Sarah, Abraham's wife, who gave birth to a son when her husband was already an old man and she was already elderly, in addition to being sterile. Sarah was the mother of Isaac, the son of the promise, whom the Lord had told Abraham that he would be the father of multitudes, as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sands on the beaches of the whole world.


It is estimated that there are 2.3 billion Christians in the world (including Evangelicals, Roman Catholics and Orthodox Catholics), 1.57 billion Muslims and 13 million Jews. The sum of this multitude comes close to 3.8 billion people who have Abraham as their father of faith. God said that he would be the father of multitudes when he was 75 years old and Sarah was a barren wife.

It takes a lot of faith in God to hold on to this promise. To look at a desolate scene and believe that the dry grass will give way to a beautiful green plantation, with trees full of sweet fruits. Something visionary. Or someone completely crazy, to the point of seeing water where there is only desert.

But God granted Sarah the condition to become pregnant at the age of 90, reversing the situation of sterility into fertility. Already old, she felt the joy of breastfeeding her long-awaited and beloved son Isaac. A few years later, this young man would marry Rebekah, as described in Genesis 25/27, another barren wife, to whom the Lord gave the joy of giving birth to the twins Esau and Jacob.


During the journey of life, in Genesis 46/19, Jacob would fall in love with Rachel, the daughter of his uncle Laban. Unfortunately, his wife's beauty did not immediately guarantee him the joy of being a father, as happened several times with Leah, for whom Jacob felt no love. God allowed Rachel to be the mother of Joseph and then Benjamin. Once again, the Lord transforms sterility into fertility.

But this story does not end there. In 2 Kings, 4:8/32, we have the drama of the Shunammite woman, already old, next to her husband, without children. And the prophet announces that this couple will have a son in their home. Because of the situation, the Shunammite called the prophet a liar. However, the Lord transformed her into a fertile womb and changed the family's sterility.

In 1 Samuel 1:9/4, Elkanah's wife Hannah, desperately crying out to God for 25 years to have a child, had her request granted. She was the mother of the boy Samuel, who later became a prophet, judge and priest, responsible for anointing the boy David as the future king of Israel. God went further by allowing Hannah to be the mother of more children.


In Luke 1:6/7, another elderly couple, Elizabeth and Zechariah, are blessed by God, with a woman, without medical conditions, becoming pregnant and from her womb coming John the Baptist, who became known as the Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness. A cousin of Jesus Christ, she had the honor of baptizing him and paving the way for his short ministry of 3.5 years, but which impacted the world.

All of the texts cited above demonstrate that God is an expert in transforming a desert into an area full of fresh water. Situations that, in the eyes of men, cannot be reversed. In other words, it is impossible to present any picture of change.

Christians need to have faith that Jesus Christ likes to take situations of sterility and transform them into fertility in any area of ​​our lives. Perhaps you are classified as sterile in some segment and have even thought about throwing in the towel, giving up following the Lord and returning to the rotten world from which Christ once rescued you. Believe me, your sterility will be transformed into fertility for the Glory of God.

Luis Alberto Alves is a pastor

sábado, 13 de julho de 2024

Cry out to the Lord by praying Psalm 142


Luís Alberto Alves

Psalm 142/6: "Give attention to my cry, for I am brought very low; deliver me from those who persecute me, for they are stronger than I."

My brothers and sisters, do not share your pain with people; do it before God.

Go into the silence of your room and there, alone, present your problems to Jesus Christ, our Intercessor.


Pray this verse 6 of Psalm 142 with great conviction. Believe me, the Lord will hear your prayer.

Do not be intimidated. Tell the Lord everything that is afflicting your heart, that is attacking your soul.

Do not make the mistake of sharing your sadness on social media or with people who will not be able to help you.


Open your heart and soul before God. If you are sick, ask Jesus to heal you; If you are going bankrupt, ask Jesus to send financial help; if your marriage is on the verge of destruction, ask for the Peace of Jesus Christ to cover your marriage; if you are being persecuted by evil works; ask Jesus to help you. If you are unemployed, ask Jesus Christ to open a door to work in a good place, where you have financial security.

Have faith, God will be listening to your prayer. He will do for you today what you have not been able to do until now. Detail: pray without doubting, because Jesus Christ does not work in doubt.

Luis Alberto Alves is a pastor.

quinta-feira, 13 de junho de 2024

The angels of the Lord are ordered to protect you


Luís Alberto Alves

The subject of angels is rarely mentioned in sermons, as if it were something linked to spiritualism or Catholicism. Or, as some preachers understand, this subject does not get much attention. This is not true. See what Hebrews 1/14 says: “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?”

Note what is written in Acts 12/8: “The angel said to him, ‘Put on your sandals and put on your clothes.’ Then the angel said, ‘Put on your cloak and follow me.’” This passage tells the story of Peter being arrested and condemned to death by Herod. Meanwhile, several brothers in Christ were praying for Peter’s life

That is when God heard the cry and sent an angel to free Peter. This angel, who appeared in the body of a man, was used to break the iron locks and bars in the place where Peter was being held. When Peter was ordered to get up, he thought he was dreaming. He only came to his senses when he reached the street and the angel disappeared.


But in this text you will come across several situations where the presence of an angel is mentioned acting in defense of the Lord's servants. In the case of Joseph, as described in Matthew 1/20, the angel is sent by God to remove Joseph's fear of taking Mary as his wife. This was the dialogue: But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said: "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife.

In this case, the angel is sent by God to bring peace to Joseph, who imagined that he had been betrayed by Mary and, worse, because of the Law of Moses, she was at risk of being stoned to death. In other words, Joseph was envisioning a tragedy and was planning to leave this relationship.

When we are in difficulty, Satan puts in our minds that we are alone in the arena to be devoured by the lion of illness, financial crisis, a marriage about to end, cancer, unemployment, drug addiction, alcohol, gambling, madness, adultery. In short, we are in a dead end.

However, Psalms 91:11 says: “For He will give His angels orders concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” It is God who sends His angels to protect the Lord’s faithful servants. These angels will be at the side of those who believe that God is the creator of the Universe to deliver them from all kinds of evil, in obedience to the Lord.


On the other hand, God’s angels are also sent to fulfill a mission to eradicate rebellion, when a city sinks into sin by ignoring God’s commandments, as happened with Sodom and Gomorrah, whose sin disgusted the Lord.

It is in this context, according to Genesis 19/1, where it is written: “Two angels came to Sodom and Gomorrah at dusk, and Lot was sitting at the gate of the city.” The spiritual filth was so great in these two cities that God sent two angels with the order to destroy them by raining fire from heaven. This is what happened after Lot’s family left, with death taking the lives of all its inhabitants.

But in God’s immense mercy, He also sends His angels disguised as men to give good news to someone, as narrated in Genesis 18/1: “The Lord appeared to Abraham near the oaks of Mamre. Abraham looked up and saw three men standing a short distance away.”

One of them, in a theophany (when Jesus visited some people as if he were a human being), was Jesus Himself to announce that Sarah, already old and barren, would become pregnant and give birth to a boy. According to medicine, it is impossible for a 90-year-old woman who is barren to get pregnant. But Sarah experienced the Lord's miracle.


But in Matthew 28:2, the Eternal's action shows how powerful the Lord is, when He sends an angel to roll away the stone from the door of the tomb. In this text it is written: “And behold, there was a great earthquake: for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came to the tomb, and rolled away the stone, and sat upon it.” In this passage, God Himself shows the Roman Empire, which ruled much of the world, that He is and will always be the Almighty.

The angels are sent by the Lord to announce good news, as described in Luke 1:26: “In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph. In this case, the angel tells Mary that she will bear a baby, who will be named Jesus Christ.

However, in Revelation 15:1, the apostle John saw what the angels of God have in store for the future. It is written there: “I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvelous: seven angels with the seven last plagues, for with them the wrath of God is completed.” In this text, the Lord reveals that his angels act in different situations, always in compliance with his orders.


In Revelation 14, another action of the angels is recorded, which many people immersed in spiritual ignorance imagine to be boys with white wings and a fragile appearance.In this chapter 14 it is written: “Then I saw another angel flying in the sky, holding in his hands the everlasting gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on the earth, to every nation, tribe, language and people. He said in a loud voice: “Fear God and glorify him, for the hour of judgment has come.”

Isaiah 37-36/38, on the other hand, an angel of the Lord went to the Assyrian camp and single-handedly killed 185,000 soldiers, defeating the arrogant king Sennacherib. Imagine an angel killing this number of enemies of God’s people at once! In the book of Daniel, 10, 5/11, it is described what an angel of the Lord looks like. In this text, someone so faithful and fearful of the Eternal was terrified by what his eyes saw.

And Daniel described: “I looked up and there before me was a man dressed in linen with a belt of pure gold around his waist. His body was like beryl, his face like lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the reflection of polished bronze, and his voice was like the sound of a multitude.” Daniel describes that only he could visualize that image. He explains that as he continued to look at that supernatural man, he became weak, very pale and almost fainted.


Then this angelic being began to speak to Daniel. He fell prostrate on the ground and lost consciousness. Then this prophet of the Lord felt his hand touch him. Daniel trembled with fear. That is when the angel of the Lord said: “Daniel, you are greatly beloved. Pay close attention to what I am going to say to you; stand up, for I have been sent to you.” Daniel heard and stood up trembling with fear. The angels of the Lord are as described by Daniel, they are powerful to defeat demons. Because of the Lord’s mercy, they are allowed to appear as human beings.

In Hebrews 13:1 it is written: “Keep on brotherly love. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers; It was by practicing it that some people unknowingly welcomed angels.” We often receive visits from these angels, especially in times of pain and great need. They are spirits sent by God Himself, as narrated in Hebrews 1:14. They act in the heavenly realms, as described in Job 1:6: “One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came with them.


This text from the book of Job is proof that angels present themselves before God, in the heavenly realms, where intense battles against Satan and his demons take place, because he also presented himself before God. If you, my brother and sister, had a distorted view of the angels of the Lord until today, change your mind. Since 1/3 of the rebellious angels were expelled from Heaven, 2/3 of the good angels remained. A whole is made up of three parts. Therefore, for a demon, there are two angels of the Lord at his side. Ignore Satan’s bluffs. Have faith and defeat him.

Perhaps you have already been saved from a terrible situation by an angel sent by God. Perhaps your life was in danger, close to death, and suddenly a police officer appeared out of nowhere to save you from a robbery or even rape, if you are a woman. Or even if you have been given up on by medicine, when in the early hours of the morning a doctor enters your room to administer a medicine and you are able to live again. It was an angel because on the staff, there has never been a professional with the characteristics described who performed that medical procedure.

No matter the moment of terror that someone is going through, the angels of the Lord, when they receive orders, they comply and answer God's call. There are no barriers. These angelic beings enter any place. They are unaware of the physical barriers that exist in this world. Be aware, at some point in your life you have been helped by an angel of God or you may go through this gratifying experience. Never underestimate the power of the Lord, our God has the authority to do the impossible, in any situation. Stay in the Peace of the Lord.

Luis Alberto Alves is a pastor.

sábado, 18 de maio de 2024

In spiritual warfare, the secret is to pray


Luís Alberto Alves

The best defense is attack. It is nothing new that God's servants are targets of darkness. If you are persecuted by the Enemy, it is because you are bothering hell. Does anyone kick a rabid dog while it's alive? However, if he is dead, people will even step on his head.

Be glad that Satan torments you. You are pleasing God, his commandments, and you fight to go live in Heaven. He is not a chubby Christian, who in each place acts in a way to please everyone. Jesus himself said, in Matthew 6/24, that it is not possible to please two masters. In this world we either please the darkness or the light, there is no middle ground.

Spiritual warfare lesson: when you are being bombarded by the devil, try to pray. The enemy used images of women to put thoughts of adultery and prostitution into your mind and heart; try to pray for the person the devil is using to attack you. She could be a colleague at work, at school, a neighbor or even someone from the church where you attend.


This tip applies to women too, when the devil puts sinful desires in your heart, thoughts that you married the wrong man, someone who deserves to be kicked out of your life, or the desire to commit adultery with a co-worker, a neighbor, a college, church or anyone you meet on the street.

The secret to winning this war is to pray for this someone Satan is placing in your mind and heart. Pray asking that Jesus Christ free, convert and save that life, that the Lord rebuke the unclean spirit that is using that person to try to remove him from the Lord's paths.

If you know the person's name, say their name so that Satan and his demons use it at that moment to lead you into error. Remember that prayer needs to have a target. It shouldn't be something empty. Pray using the Word of God. As it is written in Psalm 18, verse 3: “I call on the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies.”


Never forget that demons are our enemies. There is no good devil as some religions preach. And in this prayer name the evil spirit that is confronting you. Do it like this: “I cry out to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies, from the spirits of prostitution who are using (name the person) to try to remove me from their ways, from the spirits of robbery, who are trying to induce me to do something that the Lord condemns.”

“I cry out to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies, from the spirits of vice, to which I was a slave in the past, from the spirits of infirmities, which attack my body to make me weak in faith, from the spirits of strife, which makes me not have a good relationship with anyone, from the spirits of oppression, which at all times pressure me to abandon you, Lord.”

As I said, the secret of this battle is for you to attack what came to confront you. Listen to lots of praise, preferably those of the Christian harp, whose lyrics are very spiritual so that you remain in the presence of the Lord. Avoid legalities. There is no point praying in a spiritual war and then running to the computer or cell phone and continuing to see what the Lord is not pleased with. Acting like this is like a dog that comes back to eat its own vomit.


If you are the target of spirits of prostitution, try to guard your mind. Don't give the devil any room. The enemy will try to place other people in front of you, but try to avoid places where the presence of these evil spirits is visible. For example, you are at a gym. Don't stay near the place, where there is a large presence of women in provocative clothes, highlighting the curves of their bodies. Women do the same in relation to men.

If the devil has decided to attack you with spirits of vice, try to stay away from tables in bars and restaurants, where your colleagues will be drinking alcoholic beverages, as is written in the Psalm in verse 1, of Psalms 1: “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, neither stand in the way of sins, nor sit in the seat of scorners.” Stay away from places where there are drugs, drinks and gambling, especially for those who have been slaves to games worth money.

The secret to your victory is to remain prayerful and vigilant. When David killed Goliath, he took the sword and cut off the giant's head, preventing any kind of reaction. You prayed for the person the enemy used to attack you, don't make the mistake of staying by their side. Prayed to rebuke spirit of theft, do not keep the company of thieves. The weapon to defeat the devil is prayer, but know the reason for your prayer. Target.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

sexta-feira, 26 de abril de 2024

Learn how to ask God for help


Luís Alberto Alves

The Word of God reveals to us in the Bible that the Lord has several names. Yahwen means “I Am”, El Shaddai, “Almighty God” among others. Through prayer, the Lord, out of his mercy, granted me a new strategy to present our requests to God.

Remember that Satan is afraid of the Word of the Lord. Thus he was defeated when he faced Jesus in the desert, as written in Matthew, chapter 4, verses 1 to 11. Through the Word, Jesus removed the devil from his face.

I don't know what war you're fighting. But be precise with your requests. If the cause is financial, money has disappeared from your life, you only live to pay bills, your salary is never multiplied, it's like putting something in a bag with holes, you must cry out to Jehovah Jireh, “Provider God”, to join this fight, but praying as I wrote below, because first the Lord needs to have mercy on you.

If the cause is health, medicine will not solve your problem; you must cry out to Jehovah Rafah, “God of healing,” to resolve this issue. If you are in a war, where your strength is exhausted, cry out to Jehovah Nissin, “God is my flag”, fight the battle that you are no longer able to fight.

If after so many years in the presence of the Lord, you realize that you no longer seek Jesus Christ, if you have weakened in faith or have someone in your family who is like this, cry out to Jehovah M.Kaddech, “God who sanctifies”, for the Lord to sanctify you and bring you back into his presence.

If your home has become a battlefield, where fights are constant, cry out for help from Jehovah Shalom, “God is my peace”, so that He can come to your aid.

If you or someone in your family is the target of injustice, cry out to Jehovah Tsidkenu, “God is my righteousness”, for Him as Supreme judge to enter this battle.

If the presence of Jesus has disappeared in your home, cry out to Jehovah Shammah, “present God”, to return and strengthen you. Pay attention to the text below that I wrote, according to the Lord's instructions, how you should pray. Never forget that the spiritual world is moved by the Word, it was through it that God created all things. Therefore, be wise and wise in your prayers.

My brother and sister, present your petitions to God this way: Jehovah Jireh, “God Provider” have mercy on me and sow his provision upon me and my family.

Jehovah Rafah, “God of healing”, have mercy on me and my family and heal the wounds and illnesses that we are unable to heal.

  Jehovah Nissin, “God is my flag”, have mercy on me and my family and fight the wars that we are unable to fight.

  Jehovah M.Kaddech, “God who sanctifies”, have mercy on me and my family and sanctify us all more and more.

  Jehovah Shalom, “God is my peace”, have mercy on me and my family, pour more and more of your peace on our home and our lives.

  Jehovah Tsidkenu, “God is my justice”, have mercy on me and my family, and intercede to bring justice to our causes.

  Jehovah Shammah, “present God”, have mercy on me and my family, and be increasingly present in my home and in our lives.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

sexta-feira, 12 de abril de 2024

Be brave like David


Luís Alberto Alves

How many times do we not have the courage to take David's attitude and pray to the Lord sincerely asking for forgiveness regarding our sins. Meditate on verse 5 of Psalm 32: “I confessed my sin to you, and I did not cover up my iniquity. I said: I will confess my transgressions to the Lord; and you forgave the evil of my sin. (Saddle.)".

I remind brothers and sisters that it is a brave thing to go into your room, alone, and pour out all the dirt that lived inside your heart, your soul, mind and spirit. Talk, that's right, talk to God and present before Him the mistakes you made and still insist on making.

None of us are saints. The argument that we do not make mistakes, we do not make mistakes, we are people above suspicion is false. All of this is false. Which man, when he sees a woman with a beautiful face, body, and very elegant, doesn't look away from her for a few seconds? For fractions of seconds, don't dirty thoughts about that person cross your mind?


How many women, when they come across a man with a well-toned body in a gym, the famous “six-pack abs”, handsome, standing next to a car worth millions, don't let their thoughts wander for seconds when comparing their husband or fiancé, who walks of a popular car, and the current account only experiences flashes of green color? Imagine that that man could give you a credit card for R$20,000 or R$50,000, with him paying the bill every month?

The popular saying says that the heart is an unknown land. Truly, our heart is a master at creating proposals that, if implemented, will lead a man or woman to the abyss. He turns wrong into right and vice versa. At the height of distress, our heart sends a message to the brain stating that it is good. That it is worth investing in this proposal.

The mistake will never manifest itself as something bad. Never! Adultery will present itself as just a distraction, just to bring satisfaction and will never be discovered. It is on this leaky boat that millions of men and women embark. They imagine that this betrayal will never come to light. Jesus Christ said that “there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be discovered.”


The problem is that the garbage of sin accumulates inside us. And trash contains dirt and this causes damage to the spirit, to the soul. Try going for a long time without going to the bathroom to pee or poop. Soon you will feel sick. Even walking will be difficult. The body begins to feel the impact that that dirt needs to be expelled.

The same thing happens with sin. A person committed to God's commandments and has fear of the Lord cannot get used to sin. She is out of place. Out of the presence of Christ. The weight of sin bothers the mind, the heart is saddened, because something bad is still present and needs to leave within us.

Few people have the sensitivity to close the door of their room and alone expose before the Lord all the mistakes they have made and cry out for His forgiveness. Many imagine that God's wrath will consume them in seconds and leave worse than when they entered that place. Of course, every action has a reaction. The Lord forgives, but we need to bear the consequences of our error.


He is the same as the murderer, the author of a death that the police determine to be unknown. God will forgive, but he needs to go to court to pay for this crime. Do not imagine that confession before the Lord is enough to solve the problem. This person took someone's life and before society he needs punishment. Justice, through a jury trial, will determine what the sentence will be.

Before meeting Jesus Christ, Saul was complicit in the deaths of many Christians. He took pleasure in seeing a family that worshiped the Lord being tortured and dying, as occurred in the scene where Estevão lost his life under several stones. Saul never intervened to prevent that martyrdom. It was so bad that Ananias, when he received the mission to speak about Jesus Christ to Saul, who later became Paul, was afraid.

Ananias told the Lord that Saul was a bad person who persecuted Christians. I imagine that Ananias, when he was before Saul, may have been afraid of ending up in prison and dying under torture. The first cults Paul attended, people were afraid of him. They imagined it was just a pretense and a strategy to arrest them and end their lives.


But Paul's encounter with God was intense. I believe that in the three days he was blind, he meditated on all the wrong actions he had taken. Of having committed countless sins against God, thinking he was doing right. Generally the sinner imagines that he is not doing anything wrong. In his view, everything is fine. The others are the ones who see an error, where in their opinion something is correct.

Ask the husband who cheats on his wife or the woman who cheats on her husband if they think adultery is wrong. Some even justify it by saying that it is just an adventure and it will soon come to an end and everything will end well. In the thief's mind, stealing millions from a bank is not wrong, because banks are professional loan sharks, charging countless fees from their customers, without any type of refund.

But everything has consequences. David, after his conversation with the prophet Nathan, sent by God to warn him about his attitude of ordering the death of Uriah, the husband of his lover Bathsheba, would bring consequences. When he came to his senses and analyzed the size of the mistake he had made. He was honest with God. The Lord forgave him, but warned him that he would have to face the consequences.


God did not abandon David. He continued beside him. He went through bad times to the point of seeing his own son Absalom conspire to try to remove the throne from Israel. Previously, Absalom killed his brother Amnon, David's firstborn son. Another disappointment was seeing Amnon rape his sister Tamar. But why did all these tragedies happen to David? The devil is a master of illusion. He will never warn about the harm that sin will cause.

It just suggests that something is good and one should try it. How many drug addicts have entered the hell of drug addiction because they decided to smoke a marijuana cigarette or snort a little cocaine during a party, just to relax and not disappoint their friends? They got stuck and entered a road full of potholes, losing their jobs and even their families.

Any act we commit results in consequences. In life we are responsible for our mistakes. It is childish to imagine that before God, He will see the transgressions we commit and everything will have no effect. Yes, the Lord erases our sins, but the effects remain and we will have to bear them. It's not the same on social media where someone deletes the post that caused controversy and everything is ok.


Therefore, every Christian, whether man or woman, needs to think hard about every action he takes. In every word that comes out of his mouth, in every gesture he takes with anyone. Words cause wounds and many of them take years to heal. Some never leave the mind of those who were offended. It's the same as the Public Security file. The convict served his sentence and was released from jail. But the information remains in the files that he was once in the prison system.

If he has made a mistake, he confesses his sins to God. Be careful who you talk to. Not everyone is prepared to hear about their mistakes, especially those that could cause a series of disturbances. Many of them, only God has the structure to listen to you and forgive you. The Lord will prepare you to bear the weight of the consequences. You won't be alone.

The important thing is to take the attitude of opening yourself before the Lord. Present everything bad you did that displeased Him. But do it sincerely. Don't lie or be false to God. The Lord knows what's going on inside your mind. Open the game and ask that the Lord's mercy be upon you and that you be blessed. In this way, your soul will be freed from the prisons where the devil once imprisoned you. It is the way to take possession of the blessings of the Lord. They had not arrived yet, because the dirt of sin prevented them. Have a great month.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

terça-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2024

Do we not treat God like a butler?


Luís Alberto Alves

21st century, a time of anxiety, a time in which most people live in a hurry, a time of excessive demands, a time where many do not reserve time for God, a time where thoughts are only focused on putting more money into the current account, a time where even the family is left aside, time for egolatry, time for everything except Jesus Christ.

We often wake up in the morning, already worried about our daily tasks. Everything on autopilot: take a quick shower, brush your teeth, comb your hair or, in the case of women, do a quick brush, change your clothes, have a cup of coffee, eat a slice of bread or cake, catch the car, the bus or Subway to work or school or college.

We focus our mind only on the material. The second semester hasn't even arrived, but we've already planned what we're going to do in August, September, October and even at the end of the year. The rule is not to waste time. Social media fans give the famous likes to posts that even they don't know the origin of. The important thing is to show your virtual friends that your presence will be registered in the banality ranking. In other words, he is in tune with the nonsense of that day.


But God knows us in the deep, in the secret, in the hidden where we don't even know. The bad day comes, and it comes for everyone, whether evangelical or not. The arrival of this terrible day is filled with pain, anguish, sadness, melancholy, discouragement, the desire to throw everything up and run through the streets, screaming like crazy people do. On a bad day, colleagues and friends disappear. Our messages are not read on WhatsApp, no one answers our calls, loneliness knocks on our door and manages to enter and make an address.

That's when the ground opens up beneath our feet. The appetite disappears, the throat becomes dry, insomnia becomes a daily companion when we lie down thinking about sleeping. We were unable to take the focus off the problem. It seems like the light at the end of the tunnel has gone out. But why does Jesus Christ allow us to go through this bitter experience, if he is love? Why does someone feel the intensity of pain in their soul, which greatly hurts their heart, to the point that we wish for the end of our lives?

My brother and sister, the Lord turns on the green light for the bad day to come to us, because due to lack of spiritual experience we begin to treat God like a steward. We only remember Him in times of difficulty. Of the 24 hours a day, in the good times, we do not reserve even ½ hour of worship and prayer to Jesus Christ. The strategy is to focus only on perishables. It's about showing yourself beautiful on social media. It is revealing to others that we are someone important. We're over jerky.


Humility, during the good times, is relegated to the background. It's a funny word. The interesting thing is to humiliate others. Even our family members. After all, when you are well, even praising God is uncomfortable. Listening to good preaching is something bad, despicable. Talking about Jesus Christ to the lost is something out of the question. Time is reserved for trash, wrapped in pretty packaging by Satan. The thing is to enjoy life. Going to trendy bars, drinking alcohol and drugs, prostituting herself with countless people. In short, please the world.

However, when we make God our steward, life begins to spin, like a car stuck in the mud. Nothing goes right. The presence of the Devil is constant on our path. The work doesn't pay off. The car becomes a mechanic's customer. Money disappears from the current account like water on a hot plate, illness starts to overcome health, family life becomes tragic, persecution at work increases, grades at school start to get low, even though we study hard. In the end, nothing shows a positive result. Even if you sleep all night, you wake up tired or tired. We feel like we've been beaten, because of pain all over our bodies.

The butler only serves the master. That's his job. Never questions. He just obeys, even the most absurd requests. Most of the time we make God our steward. We never thank you. We just charge. We demand the realization of dreams, which for Jesus Christ will be a tragedy later on. The boss has no time for the butler. In our ignorance we think we are in charge of God. He, at the height of his infinite wisdom, only allows a weak wind of darkness to blow over us, to show that He is the Lord, and we are just servants.


I don't know what your life is like. Not much less if you felt nervous or nervous when reading this message. But I'm sure of one thing: Jesus Christ is not his butler! He is master of your life. Stop treating him like someone worthless, unimportant. Brother or sister, with God you are everything, without Him you are nothing. Even though you have been converted for many years, you do not have the spiritual structure to face, alone, the smallest demon in hell. It is the Grace of the Lord that does not allow you to be destroyed by the Devil, who hates you and always desires your harm.

Set aside quality time for God. When you wake up, talk to Jesus Christ. Have affection for the great Master. Let go of anxiety. Your haste will not accelerate God's movement towards you. Your time will never impact the Lord's time. Stop charging God. Don't make the mistake of saying that He has forgotten you. Look more at Jesus Christ than at garbage offered by the Devil in false colored packaging. Focus your life on the Lord. You are just a passenger in this world. One day, your password will be called.

Don't worry. What Jesus Christ promised you, everything will be fulfilled for the Glory and Honor of the Lord. Look more at God. Don't fall into the trap of satisfying the world. You need to give your best to God. Be a light where you place your feet. Don't just go to worship, be a practitioner of the Word of the Lord. Don't allow the Devil to make your communion with God just a fad. Remember that the Word of God is fulfilled. When you treat God as the lord of your life, in everything, the troubled seas of your life will become calm. The storm will turn into a breeze, and you will sleep the sleep of the righteous. It's your decision.

Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.